4 March 2013

Pin-up bloggers

Yesterday I was invited by Cristina Pasca at a local Fair called "Women for Women" to be part of Pin-up bloggers parade ♥. Invited, was also Marta Popescu the creator of "I Love..." project and as you can see, if you don`t understand Romanian, "I love ...To talk about fashion" (as you may expected )
I hope you'll enjoy the pictures and let me know which is your favorite outfit :D

And also join my Internationa Giveaway HERE, to win the favorite galaxy printed item ♥

Ieri am participat la targul "Women for Women", unde am fost invitata de catre Cristina Pasca sa fac parte din parada bloggeritelor. 
 Invitate precum Monica Tatoiu, Valentina Pelinel sau Dana Rogoz,Marta Popescu(initiatoarea proiectului "Iubesc" ) demonstratii de make-up, impletituri gratuite si recitaluri... toate aceste surprize au fost concepute pentru deliciul celor care au avut curiozitatea dar si placerea de a vizita targul, iar pe mine ce este drept, m-au impresionat placut ♥
Sper sa va placa pozele si de asemenea sunt curioasa ce tinuta v-a placut cel mai mult 

De asemenea va invit sa va inscrieti la Giveaway AICI, daca doriti sa castigati produsul preferat cu imprimeu Galaxy ♥

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Dress: Here, Heels: Local Market, Belt: Here


  1. felicitari, esti superba. xoxo


  2. Culoarea parului tau e absolut minunata :) o ador!! <3



Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! I`ll promise to visit you as soon as I can :)