8 July 2012

Love and Smile

Bonjour ...i hope you have a great morning! Still i have to admit that this is the second time when i write this 
post; First time , i have realised that the text is a bit toooo aggressive due to the fact that i am really pissed off 
( latelly i had to get over, not a few, difficult moments) 
What i have wanted to say in the first instance, was in my oppinion a bit to hard to digest by those who feel they fit the situation, but in the end i realised that text doesn`t characterize me: everybody is free to think what they want, to say what they want and even if they are wrong THEY will have to deal with their decisions. At some point each of us realises the mistakes we have made in the past and sadly somethimes is a bit too late. As you can see, the actions of different persons affects not only the person in case but also the ones around him/her and it wasn`t just a single time when i`ve been involved.

Anyway, someone told me that everything happends for a reason and if i want to live my life by following stupid rules and leasons, i will end up old (before the "term") and with many regrets! And that someone is my mom, the only person that was near me no matter what.

I love, i smile...i`m hurt, i cry but honestly a life full of regrets and questions like " what could have been if....?" doesn`t sounds better. Never feel sorry for something you have done.

P.S.: I still love you
Kisses, Manuella ♥

Me on Pinterest   Follow ManuellaI on Twitter

I was wearing:
Dress: Oasap
Belt and bag: Local Market
Boots: Zara


  1. wonderful!! loove the boots and dress! :)


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nu fii tristă, nu ai de ce. Viața e frumoasă și dură uneori, dar poate în asta constă și farmecul ei. De fiecare dată când sunt tristă îmi amintesc că am 2 mâini și 2 picioare întregi, sunt sănătoasă, sunt independentă... restul vine de la sine... iar timpul vindecă tot.


  4. foarte feminina ..oricum , toate trec...si toate au un scop...capul sus :)

  5. Love your dress!! You look really cute! :)


  6. Your smile is wonderful!!!

    Loving you look, the dress is amazing!



  7. Cute dress ;)


  8. Manuella, this is such a lovely flowing white tunik dress and the detailing is amazing. Great pairing with the boots makes it more edgy.

    <3 Ani

  9. Ce bine mai zici in aceasta postare!! Live the life at its fullest:) Love your casual look:)


  10. You look amazing!!! the prince minuet aceasta rochita :X


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