Buna tuturor! Sper sa nu va mire faptul ca asta scriu si in romana dar am cateva lucruri importante sa va spun. Asa cum va anuntam acum cateva zile, iata ca a venim momentul sa va dezvalui desprea prima mea colaborare cu revista online pentru femei Diva Hair, impreuna cu magazinul online Margotte . Acestea au reunit 5 bloggerite din Romania , iar eu am avut onoarea sa ma aflu printre ele pentru un concurs cu stiluri diferite! Fiecare am avut de ales 2 tinute de pe site-ul Margotte pe care sa le accesorizam in functie de stilul propriu iar de maine veti avea ocazia sa le vedeti pe toate pe site-ul comunitatii fashionistelor Diva Hair ( va recomand sa intrati si pe sectiunea Moda Femei de unde va puteti inspira) si sa le votati pe cele care va plac!
Sper sa va placa tinutele pe care eu le-am ales, si sa ma votati, iar in continuare o sa va arat mai multe poze cat si detaliile celor 2 tinute!
Hey everybody! I have some important news. As i told you a few days ago, i have a new collaboration with the great online magazine Diva Hair and the online store Margotte. They have put together 5 romanian bloggers with different styles and attitudes for a great contest and i have the honor to be one of them. I had to choose 2 outfits and then to accessirize them in my ouw style and starting with tomorrow the contest will start. I will tell you more details about how you can vote the one you think is your style and you like and i hope you`ll help me to win!
Next i will show you the outfits i choose and the details about them!
And the second outfit , with a different touch
First outfit:
Dress: Margotte
Shoes: Zara s/s 2011
T-shirt: Margotte
Pants: H&M
Shoes: Zara( bought 2 or 3 years ago)
And here is the last picture with just a part of the bloggers and the 2 wonderful girls from diva hair
From left to right :Cristina(http://stylingphotodiary.blogspot.com/) , Dana(http://leatherwithlace.blogspot.com/ )
, Oana( http://ozfashionista.blogspot.com/ ) , Me and Cristina again
You look beautiful, I love your dress :)
ReplyDeleteLove Christine ♥
love to much first outfit! pup
ReplyDeletegorgeous pics :P
ReplyDeleteFoarte frumoase vestimentatiile alese de tine! Bravo, esti foarte talentata!
ReplyDeletefoarte faine tinutele, arati minunat! imi place a doua in mod special ;)
ReplyDeleteSuperbe ambele tinute.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your sweet comment, I really like your blog too, you're beautiful and I really like your style, this dress you are wearing is stunning !!
ReplyDeleteMaybe we can follow eachother?
Kisses from Alinka
Lovely outfits - best of luck and thanks for your comment x
thanx for your sweet comment:)) U just look great and i am in love with your shoes on the first photo!!!
Lovely outfits!
ReplyDeleteFollow you!Follow back?
wow you're really stunning and i like the long white dress you're wearing in that group photo :)
ReplyDelete♥, peppie
superbe tinute!
ReplyDeleteimi place f mult rochita ta cred din fotografia de grup.. de unde e cumparata? :)
so chic!! the white pants are beyond amaze! and that tan...totally jealous ;) xx
These outfits are absolutely gorgeous!Love them both!
ReplyDeleteThose white sailor pants are fabulous! You are so pretty! xoxoxoo
ReplyDeleteSuper fotografiile de la Navy style :x :x Esti tare draguta.
ReplyDeleteI adore both looks! Love that colour blocking on the dress and the complete nautical look! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Want to follow each other? I'm following you already :)
ReplyDeletexx from Montreal,
I Bleed Fashion
girl you look gorgeous - I love the first outfit! x