31 August 2011

Casual business woman

            Hy everybody :D...I`m glad to tell you about my last collaboration with 2 great people! Raluca Martinescu launched her new September line (which will be on posted on the site soon) and I was invited to be the image for it and it was such a pleasure to accept it! The pictures were taken by Mihai Constantineanu and those from today`s post are just a part of the pictures! 
      I will show you more pictures and outfits but after i will receive them all!
      Those are just wonderful in my opinion and i couldn`t resist the temptation to upload the on the blog!
Don`t forget to check my blog tomorrow for my first GIVEAWAY :D
Kisses,Manuella ♥

28 August 2011

The big wall

             I`m not talking about the world most famous wall( The big wall of China), but is just a big wall from Bucharest that my lovely bf showed  it to me. if we still talk about this, have you ever visit The big wall? i didn`t so far but is one of the places i would like to visit soon :D!
            And don`t forget since 1st of September my firts Giveaway will start , until then stay tunned!

27 August 2011

Neon Ballerina

        Hy everybody? How was you week so far? Mine was fine and i`ve decided on a Giveaway for the 1st of September when my blog will turn one year :D. I can`t tell you right now more about it because i want to be a surprise and i hope you`ll like it! 
         Another thing that happend this week, was the big oppening of the first New Look in Romania which is a great thing for me and i think for all fashionistas because we can leave the triangle H&M, Zara and Bershka (of course there are some exceptions, but from what i observe those 3 are the most frequented).
         I hope you`ll have a great week-end,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

25 August 2011

Pink and Dots

        And here it is the second item i`ve made with some help from my mom! I think it has romantic influences due to the lace that i used, but it really fits my style :D My little project is just at the beginning so expect more items to come in the future!
I hope you`re having a great week ,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

23 August 2011

New experiences ♥

             My title is inspired by the fact that recently it came to my mind to produce some clothes!! And in order to make you understand why...Well : we all wish something that we see in a magazine or at tv and because of different reasons like being too expensive or maybe just because you can`t find it anywhere we can`t have it! And this is the first thing that made me do this skirt and i`m sure enough that i will continue with some other items thanks to my second reason :)) : are kind of unique , because are not so spread like the items from Zara, H&M or others stors that i usually go to.
So i hope you enjoy it and soon i will show you another item made by me!
Kisses,Manuella ♥
P.S.: On the first of September my blog turns 1 year so i`m preparing a surprise for all of you :D so stay tunned !!!

21 August 2011

Hair bow

       A few weeks ago i saw this wonderful hairstyle and i was sure that at some point i will have it. And this is how i started my look, because usually i`m starting from the shoes , and now for the first time i started with the hair. How strange is this?! Anyway the result is really great ,i mean i really like it...and i will let you decide how grate it is!
P.S: I have 2 variants, with and without make up and i think that in a way it gives me a different attitude,right?
Have a great Sunday,
Kisses,Manuella ♥

20 August 2011

Dinner in the sky

      A few days ago i`ve told you about an amazing place where i`ve been and i promised you to share it with you! And here it is: we talk about a cafe situated at the 18th floor...Is an amazing place where to spend your time and most of the people in the city know about it ♥

18 August 2011


                It is always a pleasure to see old friends! Yesterday i`ve had a grate day with my friend Cristina ( we know each other since we were 7) and she made this wonderful pictures !! 
                About the outfit, well i think i will never get bored of this pair of ripped jeans ♥
                  I hope you enjoy it and i`m i also have a question : did blogger worked in the morning or is something wrong with mine?

16 August 2011

Rwooaaar !!!

     As i finished with the swimming pool, i can say i have more time for blogging and this makes me happy! 
I hope you have a great week,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

14 August 2011

When all you need is a moment of relaxation!

 I will start telling you that Friday i`ve discovered a wonderful place ,but sadly i wasn`t able to take some pictures. For some of the people is a well known place, but i promise you next time when i will be there, and for sure it wll be soon, i will take some pictures because the view is amazing and i want to share it with you !
 About yesterday, well is another place in Bucharest that i really love, with pool ,buddha bar music and big white sofas. Is an amazing place where you can relax and spend some greta time with your friends and my outfit was suitable to it!
This is what i`ve done in the last 2 days and also i want to thank you for helping me to win the Diva Hair in collaboration with Margotte contest. Also i want to congratulate the other girls for their wonderful style and for the amazing day that we spent together.
I hope you enjoy the last month of summer.
Kisses,Manuella ♥

7 August 2011

Raffia Bag ♥

     These days i`ve done some shopping and without knowing i wanted to buy a bag like this one but lucky me, my mom knows my closet better than me and she reminded me that i already own one! I have it for years but i never find something to wear with it  ( don`t ask why, because its color and shape is not sophisticated ) maybe because at that time was not really my taste. I have some new item to show you but in time because are from f/w collections and for the moment the weather is so hot in Bucharest , but you will see some new collaboration items soon :D
         Have a great week ,
Kisses,Manuella ♥

6 August 2011

Summer afternoon

      Hey girls!!! Another day, another post :) not like i`m doing this everyday, but i`m glad when i can share with you moments, pictures and when i`m spending some time writting here a few words :) 
      About the things i`ve done today, well it was the big opening of the National Stadium and as almost all of the people in the city i was curious to see it! Before going there , i`ve spent some time searching for some white sandals and the rest of the day until now with my lovely boyfriend ♥
       I`m sorry for the poor quality pictures, i hope that sooner or later i will buy a better camera and upload better pictures!
       Kisses, Manuella ♥

2 August 2011

LEt`s talk about fashion and Diva Hair

 Buna tuturor! Sper sa nu va mire faptul ca asta scriu si in romana dar am cateva lucruri importante sa va spun. Asa cum va anuntam acum cateva zile, iata ca a venim momentul sa va dezvalui desprea prima mea colaborare cu revista online pentru femei Diva Hair, impreuna cu magazinul online Margotte . Acestea au reunit 5 bloggerite din Romania , iar eu am avut onoarea sa ma aflu printre ele pentru un concurs cu stiluri diferite! Fiecare am avut de ales 2 tinute de pe site-ul Margotte pe care sa le accesorizam in functie de stilul propriu iar de maine veti avea ocazia sa le vedeti pe toate pe site-ul comunitatii fashionistelor Diva Hair ( va recomand sa intrati si pe sectiunea Moda Femei de unde va puteti inspira)  si sa le votati pe cele care va plac!
Sper sa va placa tinutele pe care eu le-am ales, si sa ma votati, iar in continuare o sa va arat mai multe poze cat si detaliile celor 2 tinute!

Hey everybody! I have some important news. As i told you a few days ago, i have a new collaboration with the great online magazine Diva Hair and the online store Margotte. They have put together 5 romanian bloggers with different styles and attitudes for a great contest and i have the honor to be one of them. I had to choose 2 outfits and then to accessirize them in my ouw style and starting with tomorrow the contest will start. I will tell you more details about how you can vote the one you think is your style and you like and i hope you`ll help me to win! 
Next i will show you the outfits i choose and the details about them!