27 February 2016

Suede Fringes

 Hello rainy Saturday! I know the weather, at least in Bucharest, is not that sunny and bright but this is the outfit I wore a few days ago, before my surgery. Don`t worry is nothing that big, I just took a visit to the dentist and everything is fine, but I wasn`t actually in the best mood after that to take pictures.

But I hope you like my outfit and I`ll be back soon with new outfit posts and new inspirations.
Wish you all a wonderful weekend and see you soon!!

Kisses, Manuella ♥

 I was weairng:
Suede Fringe Jacket: Here
Sunglasses: Similar Here
H&M White Shirt
Khaki Pants from Kurtmann
Heels: Garkony

23 February 2016

It`s black, It`s white

Hi loves! The weather is constantly improving so there is a big sign that spring is coming and we will enjoy the great weather soon. As for example, this was the outfit I wore yesterday and believe me, I did not felt a bit of cold.
So, I hope you`re enjoying the weather and smile more, even if you have no actual reason.
Kisses, Manuella ♥

 I was wearing:
White Cape: Here
Black Blouse Zara: Here
Leather culottes: Here
Oscar de la Renta Shoes: Here
Bag: Similar Here
Tommy Hilfiger Watch: Similar Here

22 February 2016

As sporty as I can get

Good evening loves! Today I`m not fancy, not chic or glam, just super casual and sport. The Zara Jumpsuit bought from Kurtmann together with the Michael Kors sneakers make a perfect match I think and because it`s still cold the coat brings again the perfect touch for this kind of style.

I hope you like it and wish you all a new wonderful week!
Kisses, Manuella ♥

 I was wearing:
Coat: Inia Lavin
Zara Jumpsuit: Here
Michael Kors Sneakers: Here
Sunglasses: Here
Old Bag: Similar Here

21 February 2016

Babyliss Intuitive Brush Tutorial

Buna seara! Maine incepe o noua saptamana si m-am gandit ca o sa va poata inspira pentru coafatul din aceasta seara sau de maine dimineata filmuletul ce urmeaza sa il vedeti. La ora de seara m-am gandit sa impart cu voi cea mai eficienta metoda de coafat, fiind preferata mea dupa multe incercari cu diferite dispozitive: placa, ondulator, perie si uscator de par... fara fier de calcat, pe acesta nu l-am incercat :)) L-am lasat sa isi faca datoria lui.

 Zis si facut, am realizat un scurt filmulet in care o sa vedeti asa cum spuneam, cea mai des folosita metoda de a imi coafa parul. De cand am peria rotativa de la Babyliss, Intuitive Brush mai exact, nu ma mai coafez cu altceva.
Motivul este simplu, coafatul dureaza mai putin si este in egala masura mai putin nociv decat placa de par. Desigur, placa de par este si mai rapida insa avantajul periei rotative este ca ofera volum parului si mereu ma trimite cu gandul la coafurile italiencelor :)) Nu stiu daca aveti in minte aceeasi imagine insa mereu am fost impresinata de parul lor, mereu coafat si in acelasi timp usor dezordonat datorita varfurilor rasucite in mai multe directii.

Nu o sa va mai plictisesc mult si va invit sa vizionati clipul. Scuze pentru calitatea nu foarte admirabila insa este primul clip realizat in totalitate de mine... dar va promit ca o sa revin cu mai multe si desigur o sa fie la o calitate mult mai buna! 

Va doresc o saptamana minunata
Kisses, Manuella ♥

17 February 2016

Wear the "X Factor"

 Sprin-Summer seasons brings us lots of posibilities. You have seen yesterday the my first interpretation of the ruffles trend and today I want to share with you the bare shoulders trend. More precisely, the "x factor" trend, where the covered neck continues with empty shoulders that will continue also with long or short sleeves.
I cannot wait for even warmer days to wear complete bare shoulders and I think that this trend combined with the ruffles will be the main attractions of my future outfits.
I hope you like it and for more details check the I was wearing section!

Kisses, Manuella ♥

 I was wearing:
Sunglasses: Here
Shein Jacket: Here
Shein Blouse: Here
Shein Pants: Here
Iutta Bag
Giuseppe Zanotti Sandals: Here

16 February 2016

Denim culottes and Sandals for the first time this year

What do you think about the ruffles trend this season? Because I knew from the first time I saw it that it was love at first sight and what else was left to do than to buy this blouse?! ♥ In combination with a pair of denim culottes and a pair of sandals (for the first time this year since outside were 22 degrees) I think it looks great.
Also I was so enthusiastic to wear this sandals, you can`t even imagine, because I have them for a while now and never got the chance to wear them since outside was extremely cold :D

Bot now was the time and I love the result. For all the links of my items check the I was wearing section!
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing:
Prada Sunglasses: Here
Ruffles Blouse: Here
Culottes Jeans: Kurtmann Here
Michael Kors Bag: Here
Prabal Gurung Sandals: Here
Tommy Hilfiger Watch: Similar Here

12 February 2016

Is life better in PINK?

Hi loves! In Bucharest is extremely cloudy but I hope that my pink outfit will brighten your day. I have to go now, since it`s Friday there are a couple of things to be done before the weekend but you can find all the details about my outfit in the I was wearing section :D

Wish you a wonderful weekend!
Kisses, Manuella ♥

 I was wearing:
Sweater: Here
Jeans: Here
Guess watch Similar Here
Bag: Similar Here
Heels: Similar Here

8 February 2016

Happy Monday

Happy Monday everybody! I am here with a new post and this was my yesterday`s outfit. Mainly black and beige with my new over the knee boots from Jessica Buurman. For the rest of the items you can check the I was wearing section for direct links to the items.
Wish you all a wonderful week!

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing:
Crop Sweater: Here
Split Skirt: Here
Over the Knee boots: Here
Prada Sunglasses Here
Clutch: Here
Tommy Hilfiger Watch: Similar Here
Pearl Earings: Here

6 February 2016

Obtain an outfit within $40

 Sometimes is super simple to dress withing a limited budget, but it`s extremely hard if the budget is too low and you have to adapt. But here I am, suggesting you an outfit that can be bought at no more than $40, completing it with leather beige shoes and bag.

For more details check the links in the I was wearing section. Wish you all a wonderful weekend!
Kisses, Manuella ♥

 I was wearing:
Coat: Here
Sweater: Here
Jeans: Here
Heels: Here
Bag: Simila Here

5 February 2016

Outfit of the day & dejamoda app


Hi loves! Today I want to present you two things: I will start first with my new outfit and I will continue with a brand new application that I recently discovered and that is making my shopping life a lot easier.

So, first about the outfit is something that I wore during the weekend when the weather was not so cold as in the previous days.

I decided to wear a casual sport outfit perfect for a chill Sunday. For all the links and details about the items check the I was wearing section or just click the first picture and it will direct you to my favorite app and to the items I`m wearing or to similar ones. 

And now comes the news about the app I was talking about. Because I told you about my outfit and the brands I`m wearing, I want to ask you: Would you like to find a place where you can add pictures of celebrities or simply pictures from Pinterest or from your phone where you have a specific item you like and let the app find it for you? Even more, dejamoda, besides the fact that it finds the items for you, it comes up with some other suggestions too, similar ones in a wide range of prices, from cheap products to expensive designers ones. In this way you will find the desired item and also find one that will suit your budget ♥

You can find inspiration in the daily feeds on the app as well as in other accounts like mine J. Just make sure to use the app from your smart phone for full functionality, but I think that we use more our phones nowadays than anything else so it is not a problem.

Also, you can get your Chrome extension of the app (currently available on over 700 sites!) so when you go for example on Amazon, it will bring you more options for similar products. Check it Here and see what I`m talking about!!

So, I will invite you to visit www.dejamoda.com and let me know what you think about it ♥ For me, is pure gold ahahha.

Wish you a wonderful day

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing:
Only Jacket from Kurtmann
Ray Ban Sunglasses Here
H&M Shirt
Jeans Similar Here
Calvin Klein Sneakers
YVY Bags Black Bag

3 February 2016

Time for a change

Astazi va vorbesc despre o mica schimbare pe care am decis sa o fac, mai exact am ales sa imi maresc buzele. Poate cateva ma veti critica pt alegerea facuta insa sper ca informatiile pe care o sa le impart cu voi o sa va fie utile.

Inainte de interventie, am avut extrem de multe curiozitati si temeri: daca o sa doara, daca o sa se invineteasca, ce se poate intampla rau si cat tine efectul. Ei bine, acestea au fost temerile mele si pe rand am primit raspunsul la fiecare intrebare.

Interventia in sine, a durat aproximativ 30 minute. Dupa analizarea buzelor si a formei lor, doctorul a ales sa imi faca anestezie pentru a diminua durerea din timpul procedurii. In concluzie, durerea nu a fost atat de mare :D

Daca s-au invinetit? Sincer va spun, foarte putin dar efectul a trecut destul de repede. Desigur, imediat dupa interventie, buzele erau inflamate asta doar pt ca au fost intepate de multe ori... sau cel putin au fost intepate suficient :D. De asemenea rezultatul imediat nu este cel final, buzele ramanand sa revina la forma dorita abia dupa cateva zile, ca sa nu mai spun de faptul ca eu eram amortita si nu stateam... normal :)) 

Despre ce se poate intampla rau, am citit pe net o multitudine de pareri. In cazul meu, nimic nu s-a intamplat rau. Desigur, va recomand sa optati pentru acid hialuronic, iar alegerea mea finala s-a indreptat catre Juvederm, asta desigur la recomandarea doctorului.

Efectul, din ce am auzit este de cateva luni si variaza, insa in medie durata este de 6 luni de zile. Un motiv in plus pentru care am optat pentru aceasta procedura s-a datorat si faptului ca buzele mele erau strambe... da, ati citit bine! Din ruj, multe lucruri se pot remedia: volumul, marimea dar si simetria lor insa in mod natural buzele mele erau aproape inexistente :))

Ca sa inchei, experienta a fost una satisfacatoare si rezultatul exact pe gustul meu: Buze putin mai conturate si mai pline iar pentru asta trebuie sa ii multumesc si sa vi-l recomand cu drag si incredere pe DR. Alexandru Paraschiv. Ne cunoastem de ceva timp, insa cu toate acestea mereu mi-a raspuns la toate intrebarile legate de temerile pe care le aveam intr-un mod profesional si sincer. 

Daca aveti si alte nelamuriri imi puteti scrie si va raspund cu drag sau pentru un sfat avizat ii puteti scrie si doctorului pe pagina de facebook AICI.

1 February 2016

Spring Summer Collection by C&A

 I know I just finished sharing with you my trip to Paris but it`s time to share with you another journey. C&A had the new collection release last Thursday and it was incredible. They change their style in time and right now, they because the place where we can go and buy fashionable items that also comes at a great quality.

I was happy to see the girls again and because the time spent at Annart Gallery wasn`t enough, we decided to continue our night at one of my favorite places in town: E3 by entourage.

 You can see more pictures and how fun we had that night also on my facebook and instagram pages♥

I was wearing:
Hat Here
Leather Jacket Here
Khaki Blouse Here
Bershka Pants (Old)/ Here
Sequins Boots Here
Michael Kors Bag Here