31 December 2015
Best of 2015
This year has been great. With ups and downs and moments of joy and sadness. But to sum it up it was great and I have nothing to complain about. I will not continue to write because we are all preoccupied with the NYE party and most of you followed my journey during the year. So, I will leave you now with some of my favorite outfits this year.
I`m sending you all my best wishes and wish you all a wonderful year and a wonderful NYE Party ♥
Kisses, Manuella
P.S.: Don`t forget to share the love ♥
16 December 2015
What to wear on Christmas Eve or NYE
I think that during the holidays most girls search for the
perfect outfits in which they`ll shine in these 2 wonderful occasions of the
year. Even more because after so much work and effort done for the beloved ones
like searching for gifts, cooking, cleaning the house, search for the right
Christmas Tree and so on, we need to feel gorgeous and to have our moment.
So, my post today will come with outfit suggestions that
will make your decision easier. Sammydress,
is one of those website from which I am constantly placing orders because they
have good offers and because the price/quality ratio is perfect.
So, for you today, I will start with the dresses. Here are
some suggestions and below the pictures you can see the direct link to the one
you like the most:
As you might guesses, is time that we continue with the shoes.
I prefer stiletto since it`s cold outside but if you dare, you can also decide
from the wide range of styles on their website:
So, what is left? Accessories, of course. I decided to share
some clutches instead of earrings, necklaces, bracelets or rings, because when
it comes to them, we all have different tastes and for sure plenty of them in
our wardrobes so I will let you decide by your own:
I hope that my suggestions can inspire you and I have no
doubts that you`ll all look stunning!
Enjoy the shopping and do not neglect your outfits :D
Kisses, Manuella ♥
14 December 2015
Genele false si parerea mea despre acestea la 3 saptamani dupa aplicare
Intr-o vineri, mai exact pe 27 Noiembrie, aveam programare la Chic Lashes realizata in urma unei conversatii cu Adina si Laura pe aceasta tema. Dupa cum deja v-am informat pe Facebook si Instagram, pe moment am fost extrem de incantata de rezultat si cu siguranta incantarea mea tine si in momentul de fata.
Insa nu v-am povestit nimic pana acum fiindca doream sa vad cum evolueaza, cat vor rezista genele si care o sa fie impresia mea dupa o perioada de timp, dar sa incepem cu inceputul.
Evident, aveam cateva retineri datorita parerilor impartite auzite la diverse persoane cat si descoperite online. Google este mereu util insa parerile sunt mai mult sau mai putin avizate. Teama mea? Sa nu raman fara genele mele, sa nu imi curga ochii constant dupa aplicarea lor si desigur sa nu ma aleg cu diferse reactii alergice sau infectii.
Parerea mea dupa aproximativ 3 saptamani de la aplicarea acestora? In primul rand, eu impreuna cu cei de la salon am decis pentru inceput sa optez pentru varianta 2D... nici prea mult, ca sa evit senzatia de prelata deasupra ochilor :))) desi nu este cazul nici pentru cele 3D, dar nici prea putin. Vroiam sa fie o diferenta dar care sa para destul de naturala, diferenta care m-a scapat de utilizarea rimelului dar si a tusului negru pe care il foloseam mai mereu inainte.
Genele mele inca sunt la locul lor, singurul moment in care am lacrimat a fost momentul in care procedura a fost finalizata si a trebuit indepartata banda protectoare pt genele de jos si datorita unei curatari atente si intr-adevar migaloase a genelor cu apa micelara nu m-am ales cu nicio bacterie in zona ochilor. Demachiantele pe baza de crema nu sunt recomandate in cazul genelor false, deoarece distrug rezistenta lipiciului aplicat si astfel acestea vor rezista mai putin.
Tin sa va mai precizez, ca si acum genele se prezinta minunat si nu este o nevoie reala de a le face o noua intretinere insa cu siguranta voi merge inainte de sarbatori pentru a fii sigura ca vor arata impecabil. Desigur, o alta intrebare la care cu siguranta vreti sa stiti raspunsul, este cat tin?
Variaza durata in functie de cum le ingrijiti. Dar in cazul meu, va pot spune ca 3 saptamani cu siguranta si chiar mai mult.
Daca aveti si alte intrebi, mi le puteti adresa si va voi raspunde cu drag, iar pentru mai multe detalii despre preturi, locatie si despre salonul la care am ales sa merg puteti gasi Aici, fiind site-ul oficial al celor de la Chic Lashes.
Sper ca experienta mea sa vina in ajutorul multora si sa apelati cu incredere la acest serviciu pentru a arata impecabil in aceasta perioada a anului si nu numai!!
Kisses, Manuella ♥
13 December 2015
Weekend Mood
Hi loves! Sunday is for most of us the day in which we can truly relax and enjoy a free day as it should. My advice, never think of tomorrow, especially because it`s Monday.
So, for today`s outfit, as you can see it`s mainly black and white, with a combo between them (gray) and a touch of color brought by the second bag from YVY Bags. You already knew about it from my previous post and now is time to show it to the world :))
Also, I wanted for a while now, to combine this cape with a skirt and in my mind I had something else prepared for the shoes, more precisely a pair of over the knee boots, but in that day it was extremely cold and I couldn`t risk to get a cold by wearing bare feet.
But I hope that for a casual outfit it will be a great inspiration for you because honestly, I fell great and comfy while wearing it!
Wish you all a wonderful day and enjoy the sun
Kisses, Manuella ♥
I was wearing:
Romwe Cape
Blouse Similar Here
Guess Watch
Pandora Bracelet
Shein Skirt
Mustard Bag from YVY Bags
Marc Jacobs Shoes
11 December 2015
The Bag Issue
For example, in my case, after buying the third Michael Kors Bag, I`ve said that I will take a break and change a bit the focus on other brands. For how long? I don`t know yet, but I know is not for ever.
So, changing the focus... great idea on paper, but I`ve change it to another brand that I love, YVY Bags. I was the happy owner of 3 bags too, but this changed since I added 2 more with a total number of 5 right now. So, was my strategy effective? Not really... but at least I have 2 new gorgeous bags and I will show you one today and the mustard one later this week ♥
I always have purposes like this and I have to admit that some of them are more inspired than the others but in this case I'm more than happy becayse I have 2 new colors :D
So evwn if the weather is not that great I wish you all a happy weekend!
Kisses, Manuella
I was wearing:
Bluemarin Croco Bag from YVY Bags
Choies Cape
Stradivarius Pants from Kurtmann
Prada Sunglasses
H&M Blouse
Choies Glitter Boots
I was wearing:
Bluemarin Croco Bag from YVY Bags
Choies Cape
Stradivarius Pants from Kurtmann
Prada Sunglasses
H&M Blouse
Choies Glitter Boots
9 December 2015
Between Places
I know that after seeing these pictures you might have some questions like: If I was freezing? the answer is yes. If it was a bit late for these pictures? The answer is again yes. Why I`m wearing such a dress since outside is already winter? The answer is simple: just because I was on the run the entire day and at the end of it I had to attend the Deichmann Christmas Party and this was the outfit I wore and the pictures were taken extremely fast, like in no more than 5 minutes right after I changed myself in the car.
Well, this was something from the inside, but I decided to share it with you just because I want you to be part of my life and to see also not the so glam and fancy things. Oh, and yes, the make-up was done also in the car between places :))
So, I hope that you`ll like my outfit and you can share all your thoughts. I will be more than happy to hear them :D
Wish you a wonderful night,
Kisses, Manuella
I was wearing:
Prada Sunglasses Here
Shein Dress Here
Shein Cardigan Here
Inia Lavin Here
Meli Melo Clutch
Tommy Hilfiger Watch
7 December 2015
Blue jeans, White shirt
I know, big jacket, boyfriend jeans and large shirt. Last week when I wore this outfit I felt the need to have large items on me and to be extremely comfortable since it was a long busy day with thousand places to be in. I have to admit, the heels were only on when I was outside of the car, otherwise I had the most wanted sneakers :)) Why so?! Because this is what I understand when we talk about comfort and the heels are not getting even closer to it, no matter how comfortable they are for the first 2 or 3h, in the end my feet will be in pain.
So sorry for my tired face, even the wonderful make-up made by the Mac girls is not listening anymore :)) But I have to say that I just love this type of smokey eyes and for sure I will try it again, even more because it`s part of this season trends.
So, I wish you all a wonderful week and remember... we have 2 and a half weeks until Christmas ♥ Can`t wait for it!!
Kisses, Manuella ♥
I was wearing:
Shein Pu Jachet
H&M Shirt
C&A Boyfriend Jeans
Garkony Heels
Love Moschino Bag similar here
4 December 2015
Casual outfit for busy days
Who said you can`t stay True to Fashion even if you`re wearing a casual/sport outfit? You might have guessed, this post comes as a second part of the "stay True to Fashion" series in collaboration with a website I just found called True Fashion.
There you can find designer items at great discounts and this is always the motto of all the smart girls:"Smart Investments". I like to invest in statement pieces or classic ones that will last in my wardrobe more than just a season. And by doing this, you`ll find that in the long run, you`re savings will increase and you`re items will still be ready to be worn.
During the years, I managed to keep my enthusiasm and to buy only the things that count the most. Don`t get me wrong, it's not a 100% rate but is close to it and I`m extremely proud of myself ♥
And by the way, this leather jacket is something you shouldn`t miss out on because it`s extremely soft and versatile that for sure you`ll love always and forever as it was my case!!
As usual, for direct links check the "I was wearing" section and each description will bring you to the specific website.
Wish you all a wonderful weekend loves
Kisses, Manuella ♥
I was wearing:
Calvin Klein Leather Jacket
Tommy Hilfiger Shirt
C&A Boyfriend Jeans
Guess Sunglasses
Cavalli Class Bag
Michael Kors Allie Trainers
3 December 2015
Teddy bears and over the knee boots
These days were awesome and I could`t stay home without taking advantage of going out and take some pictures ♥
So the bear sweater was out and was the main attraction of my outfit together with my first A-line skirt. I had in my mind for a while now to buy a skirt like this but I didn`t knew which one to have. My pick was in the end suitable for this kind of weather in combination with a pair of over the knee boots. What do you think?
I hope that my outfit will bring a smile on your face and also I want to wish you a wonderful evening!
Kisses, Manuella ♥
I was wearing:
Romwe Sweater
Romwe Skirt
Jessica Buurman Boots
Michael Kors Bag
Prada Sunglasses
Pictures by Silvia From Bucharest Style
2 December 2015
stay True to Fashion
Good evening girls ♥ Today I am presenting you one of my favorite outfits that made Silvia think about Jackie Kennedy while she was looking at me. I have to say that I feel honored for receiving this comparison and it can only bring a huge smile on my face. I know that she would have never worn lace up over the knee boots but it`s just my suggestion for these days.
Also, today I want to share with you this website I just found recently, called True Fashion where you can find designer items at super affordable prices which is a dream to every fashionista, right? Even more, they have prepared some super discounts for this period, in advance for the Christmas Holidays. So, you can make the perfect gift for your beloved ones at a lower price or you can buy more items in your initial budget♥
So, I hope that you like my new suggestion, I know that you`re always in search of new websites as I am and what you should also know is that they deliver the items and in less than 48h you`ll get your hands on the package due to the fact that everything on the website is in stock. I am thrilled about this because I just ordered something for St. Nicholas for my love and I know that it will arrive in time and the shoes will be happy to receive the present hahaha.
For more details about the outfit you can check the "I was wearing" section and you`ll be surprised to see the prices and for sure you`ll make a great wishlist for this season ♥
Kisses, Manuella ♥
I was wearing:
Fendi Sunglasses
Tommy Hilfiger Jacket
Versace Dress
Cavali Class Bag
Jessica Buurman Boots
Photos by Silvia Cimpeanu from Bucharest Style
Place: Centrul Shakti
1 December 2015
The Army never felt so good before
Good morning loves! I know it`s been a while but since it was only cloudy and rainy I decided to stay more indoors and work from home. It was nice but I felt so much the need to go out and take some pictures and here is the outfit I decided to present you today.
You might have noticed, indeed is the outfit I wore a few days ago at the Casa Di Peroni event. So today you can find all the details about it and I also have to tell you that the Michael Kors bag is at a discount these days and you can save up to $100. So, it`s a best buy, don`t you think?
I have to go now, because it seems that the weather will keep me outside but I want to wish you a wonderful day and "La multi ani Romania" ♥
Kisses, Manuella ♥
P.S.: Ati notat mica schimbare? Se datoreaza extensiilor de gene recent aplicate la Chic Lashez, un loc extrem de placut si relaxant care cu siguranta o sa va incante nu doar datorita rezultatului obtinut la sfarsit ci si datorita starii de bine de care o sa va bucurati.
"La CHIC LASHES sesiunile de aplicare a extensiilor de gene 3D sunt riguros alcatuite, tinand cont atat de grosimea, lungimea si desimea genelor naturale, cat si de forma ochilor (micile imperfectiuni de ordin estetic – pleoape cazute, forma descendenta a ochilor sau distanta prea mica/prea mare dintre pupile - pot fi corectate cu un styling corespunzator menit sa asigure o simetrie a trasaturilor). Astfel, extensiile de gene 3D sunt adaptate din punct de vedere al grosimii si al numarului de fire aplicate, pentru a nu afecta genele naturale si pentru a nu ingreuna pleoapa"
I was wearing:
Hat Similar Here
Zara Blouse
Shein Jacket
Pull and Bear Pants from Kurtmann
Inia Lavin Boots
Michael Kors Bag ON SALE
Michael Kors Wallet
Inia Lavin,
leather boots,
street style,
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