30 May 2014

Este timpul pentru Roma si Paris

Astazi continuam sirul "Tinutelor cu bilet de calatorie". Daca data trecuta ati vazut inspiratia mea pentru Londra si Rio, astazi o sa va ofer idei de tinute pentru Roma si Paris. Produsele, desigur, le gasiti in hypermarketurile Cora, o parte din ele fiind parte din gama lor proprie Influx, iar geanta si incaltamintea din ambele tinute fiind din garderoba proprie ♥

"When in Rome, do as the romans" , este motto-ul primei tinute. M-am bucurat tare mult sa compun o tinuta pentru Roma, deoarece de-a lungul research-ului am descoperit idei de tinute si pentru urmatoarea mea vacanta. Nu este Roma, dar este tot Italia, mai exact Milano si Venezia si va pot spune ca o sa plec cu temele facute. Sper doar sa se termine mai repede si cu bine sesiunea, apoi mai sunt cateva lucruri in plan insa cum termin nimic nu ma mai poate retine ♥

Imediat urmeaza si Parisul ♥

29 May 2014

Do it with passion ♥

 Hi Loves ! Aceasta nu este o postare obisnuita in care va prezint tinuta mea, tocmai pentru ca de data aceasta m-am gandit sa va arat mai multe tinute pe care le-am creat in ultima perioada. Sper sa va placa si astept parerile voastre :D
De asemenea tot ce vedeti se poate comanda iar daca sunteti interesate imi puteti trimite un mail pe manuela.lupascu91@gmail.com si acolo o sa va ofer toate detaliile necesare ♥ Vor fi realizate pe masurile standard: S,M,L sau pe dimensiuni personalizate in functie de preferintele voastre :D

Si promit ca in curand sa vin si cu alte obiecte vestimentare colorate si perfecte pentru vremea calduroasa de afara, so stay tuned !!

Kisses, Manuella ♥

28 May 2014

xoxo stripes

Hi Loves!Today I will make it fast because lately everything seems to be on fast forward. I will show you in this post the outfit I wore a few days ago, before hurting my ankle and even though it still hurts and I`ve said that there will be no high heels for a while, I couldn`t stop myself from wearing them :D
But you all know that a pair of high heels can make magic to our legs, longer, skinnier ♥ and my Il Passo pair, the one that I`m wearing in this post, is also my favorite one. 

I hope you like it and don`t forget to enter the giveaway`s if you didn`t entered yet: HERE and HERE
And also follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated with all the news ♥

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Blouse: Here, Skirt: Made by me ( you can also order it ), Heels: Il Passo,
 Necklace: Borealy, Bag: Dasha

26 May 2014

Love, Passion & Happiness

Hi loves ♥ For today I have prepared for you a post with one of my favorite dresses lately. I ordered it for a while now, but since the weather didn`t allowed me to wear it, I completely forgot that I have it. Once, I started to reorganize my wardrobe, get rid of the items that I didn`t wore or the ones wore only once, I find it and you can imagine my happiness. 
 I decided to wear it last weekend at a fancy dinner with my love ( he always surprises me, but at least he tells me how should I get dressed :D ) and believe me, even if outside wore around 30 degrees and even if it is a dress and you all know that it may be a bit difficult to be worn, I felt amazing and very comfortable in it ♥
And there is nothing new about my passion for heels, I accept it and state it loud many times and you all know it. I have different shapes and heights. And oh those heights ( not the ones in the picture, these are small) made me suffer :( Right now I have a huge ankle and is not the fact that it hurts that makes me sad, but is the fact that most probably I will not be able to wear high heels for a while... how dramatic is this?  hahaha

I hope you like it and maybe you`ll see it again on the blog in a different combo. I think it will also look amazing with some flats for a summertime outfit :D ( As long as I will be forced to wear heels, this solution is amazing )

Have a great week
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Dress: Here, Sandals: Zara, Clutch: Carpisa

25 May 2014

Este timpul pentru un nou concurs ♥

 Buna seara dragelor! Astazi am pregatit pentru voi un nou concurs alaturi de un site extrem de dragut, RUN si va vom oferi o fusta ca cea purtata de mine ♥.Ca sa va usurez situatia o sa va spun ca  din punctul meu este extrem de versatila. Am purtat-o cum o vedeti in aceasta postare, apoi am schimbat putin directia si am ales sa o combin cu un crop top si o pereche de tenesi ♥ si nu in cele din urma cu o pereche de cizme peste genunchi fara toc si o camasa alba cu manecile suflecate. Ce spuneti, suna bine?

Si cum spuneam, pentru a intra in posesia unei fuste ca cea pe care o port, vom face regulile ca si pana acum, simple si rapide:
2. Share pozei de concurs pe care o gasiti AICI
3. Adaugati un comentariu in care sa includeti adresa voastra de mail pentru a va putea contacta

Cam asta este pentru seara aceasta. Sper sa va placa.
Apropo, concursul o sa dureze o saptamana, de azi pana duminica viitoare mai exact. Iar luni vom anunta si fericita castigatoare :D

Va doresc o seara frumoasa
Kisses, Manuella ♥

Tinuta este compusa din: Top: AICI, Fusta: AICI, Colier: AICI, Sandale: Zara, Geanta: Dasha

23 May 2014

Maleficent inspired make-up and outfit

Hy loves! Today I want to share with you my Maleficent experience.
But before that, I think you may like to know that the movie will have the premier in Romania on May 30 and will be distributed by Forum Film Romania. You`ll have the oportunity to see the untold story of the negative character from the "Sleeping beauty", that this year cellebrate 55 years from the Disney first release of the story in 1959.
I won`t tell you more because I`m also enthusiastic to see the film and I will tell you more after seeing it ♥

 Now, in this post I was inspired by the movie in creating my outfit and my make-up and I will take them step by step :D.
Because this is what I like the most, meaning on a daily basis I will start with the outfit and this doesn`t mean that I don`t like the make-up topic but is just that I`m not really talented when it comes to this. Cat eyeliner and red lips is all I can do. But you`ll see that MAC girls know how to do magic later.
Going back to the outfits, I can tell you that there are more inspirations,but I have picked the one that suits me the most: girlish, sweet and pastels ♥  Said and done : My H&M blouse,combined with a pair of powder pink pants ( you can find them Here ), my favorite IL Passo heels and the Dasha bag ♥
I`m from the story right? :D

I hope you enjoy my post and stay tunned because I have more items to show you and outfits
Kisses, Manuella ♥

22 May 2014

London vs Rio + Giveaway time

Buna seara dragelor! In cadrul acestei postari o sa va vorbesc putin despre o noua colaborare pe care am acceptat-o fara ezitare. De data aceasta o sa va vorbesc putin despre noua colectie a gamei Influx care se regaseste in exclusivitate in hypermarketurile Cora, fiind un brand propriu. 
Tema campaniei dar si a postarilor noastre fiind "Tinute cu bilet de calatorie", reprezinta punctul de plecare. Mai exact in postarile mele va voi prezenta 4 tinute reprezentative pentru urmatoarele orase: Londra, Rio, Paris si Roma.
 Ei bine, eu voi incepe cu primele doua si le voi lua pe rand :D Asadar,Londra : Casual, Business si in acelasi timp Fashion. Cam acestea au fost primele lucruri care mi-au trecut prin cap in momentul in care am inceput sa concep tinuta. In poze veti vedea ca port: Pantaloni si Cardigan disponibile in hypermarketurile Cora, Sandale: Zara, Geanta: Dasha si colier: Borealy.
Piesele alese au fost basic si lejere insa combinate cu accesoriile potrivite am creat o tinuta in tendinte si cu care desigur, as putea pleca la Londra :))

Va invit sa cititi in continuare fiindca mai am pregatita si tinuta pentru Rio si de asemenea un mic concurs pentru voi :D

19 May 2014

White Monday

Good evening girls :) Tonight I will talk less and let you see the outfit I wore today. Casual, simple and perfect for a sunny spring day. I decided to accessorize it with a beautiful necklace and a pair of hand made earrings with small Swarovski "rocks" hihi :D You`ll find all the links and details of my outfit at the end of the post.

Until next time, stay tuned because I`m preparing some surprises :D
 Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Dress: Here, Bag: Dasha, Sandals: Veneziana, Earrings: Roxo, Necklace: REEA Boutique 

17 May 2014

Find a reason to smile

Hi loves!! How is your weekend until now?
I hope you enjoy it and also because you`re reading now my blog you`ll also find some info about a great site of jewelries ♥ For today I`m wearing the wonderful Borealy Necklace wich in my opinion is matching perfectly casual outfits but also if you have a special event you`ll shine for sure by wearing it. You have their website at the end of the text and also if you`re interested you can also go in their showroom in Bucharest to see what you`re buying ( this is just because I know that some of you are notso open to online shopping) Awesome, right?

Beside this, well you all know that these days I`m trying to take my driving license. And when I found this happy car I couldn`t rezist to take some pictures with it. It can be an idea of a first car :)) You know, happy, eye catching and everithing else, except the power, I don`t really think it can be moved :)).

Anyway, now I`ll leave for some extra driving lessons because on Tuesday I will have the second exam and I have to be prepared, so wish me luck :D

Kisses ♥

I was wearing: Blazer: Zara, Blouse: Here, Jeans: Here, Heels: Here, Bag: Dasha, Necklace: Borealy,
 Watch: Guess

15 May 2014

Starbucks Frappuccino Moment ♥

Hi loves! Today I will tell you a bit about my great experience. If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook you already know that I usually start my day with a starbucks chill moment. Well, yesterday I was invited to taste the new Starbucks Frappuccino, Starbucks Mocha Coconut Frappuccino. And believe me it is awesome. 
 But they also prepared for us a great surprise: We were able to stay behind the bar and create our own drink ♥  And in my opinion if you see how things are going behind you`ll love even more their products.

 And if you`re a Starbucks addict you`ll be happy to know about their Frappucciono Happy Hour between 16 and 23 of May: 1+1 in all their coffee shops in Romania ( also between 15:00 - 17: 00 ) I will be there for sure with my friends haha ♥

 I was wearing: Cardigan: Local Market, Skirt: My own design, Boots: Here, Bag: Dasha, Watch: Guess, Bracelet: Pandora Essence Collection

9 May 2014

Is the freakin` weekend baby ♥

Good evening girls ♥ Did you noticed that lately I`m addicted to flats? Converse, Nike, Moccasins, doesn`t matter they all fit perfect my feet. As for example, in this post you can see me wearing again sneakers and I decided to match them with my new RUN skirt. 

Because I brought into discussion my new collaboration with RUN, I also want to tell you that we are preparing you a cute surprise. So stay arround because I really think you`ll enjoy it and also because there are more new great things to come ♥

So what can I say more, enjoy the weekend loves
Kisses, Manuella ♥

 I was wearing: Jacket: Here, T-shirt: Here, Skirt: Here, Sneakers: Converse, Bag: Dasha,
 Sunglasses: Local Market

7 May 2014

Bring some attitude

Incep aceasta postare prin a va spune ca aceste poze fac parte dintr-un proiect special. Acum aproximativ o saptamana Oana, noul Brand Ambassador Wolford Romania in blogosfera, m-a invitat sa particip intr-un proiect evident care sa poarte semnatura Wolford Romania. Cred ca stia si de asemenea ca eu nu o pot refuza si a mers la sigur :)) glumesc, dar oricum vine mereu cu propuneri minunate si imi este de asemenea si extrem de drag sa colaborez cu ea ♥
Si ei bine, cand mi-a spus ca este vorba de Wolford, trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost putin curioasa sa vad daca este cu adevarat ceva deosebit la dresurile lor... daca ati auzit si nu stiati exact contextul si despre cine este vorba sa stiti ca dresurile Wolford sunt acelea care nu se rup. Si nu am tras, sau intepat in mod intentionat :)) insa calitatea se vede dar in cazul lor se si simte. ♥

Sper sa va placa tinuta pe care am compus-o si de asemenea astept parerile voastre, aceasta desi este o tinuta eleganta este putin diferita fata de cele cu care v-am obisnuit ♥

Kisses, Manuella

I was wearing: Outfit: Wolford, Bag and Heels: Dasha

5 May 2014

Lace and Sneakers

Hi loves. Even though outside is raining and the weather is not really my type, I have prepared for you today a cosy outfit that I had the pleasure to wear during the weekend when everything was just perfect: The sun was up, the city was so empty and calm and some new projects were discussed ♥
 What do you think about the leather, lace and sneakers combo? Maybe when you hear it, is almost impossible to associate all the items together but lately the motto is never say never. Also I really love my new Riche t-shirt. Very comfy and also versatile and even if my outfit is entirely b&w, the red color of the two pair of lips, hihi, brings a different touch.

And what about you, how did you spent the short holiday brought by the 1st of May?
Wish you a great week and stay tunned because a new post will come soon with a great collaboration ♥

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Leather jacket: Here, T-shirt: Riche, Shorts: Here, Sneakers: Converse, Bag: Dasha, Sunglasses: C&A, Watch: Guess

3 May 2014

Life is beautiful

Hello Loves, how are you?
I will be fast this time because I completely forgot about these pictures and I wanted to share them with you, but also I`m on the rush so I have to do a fast hairstyle, soft make-up and go out because even if it`s Saturday, this doesn`t mean that is a free day :D
And please notice that somewhere on the streets of Bucharest, I found this cute drawn : I ♥ M. And I know...it was not meant especially for me but is still cute :)

I hope you enjoy this sunny weekend, even if your home, at the seaside or anywhere else ♥ 
P.S.:I`m still in Bucharest and believe me, is so great to leave for a few days without traffic jam, noise and agglomeration anywhere you go ♥ Love you Bucharest, haha !!

Oh and something more, don`t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram. You`ll be updated daily ♥
Kisses, Manuella ♥ 

I was wearing: T-shirt: Here, Shorts: Here, Heels: Here, Sunglasses: Ray-Ban, Bag: Dasha