30 March 2014

Metalic addicted

Hy Loves ♥
Well, is not new anymore that I`ve followed the Fashion Design course. But until now, I didn`t manage to show you more of my work, sadly... 

On my last post, you have seen a new dress, that was made after the course but now I will show you one of the outfits I have prepared for the exam, a while ago: An open back blouse and a faux leather skirt ( METALIC ♥ )What do you think about them?

You may know that this season, you all should have at least one metalic item in your wardrobe, right? And believe me, in my case, I`m so excited that now I am able to  do the items I really want or that I imagined and I could not find them in stores that I can jump, scream and smile and to everything joyful in the same time :D

I hope you like my outfit and I wish you a great week 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Skirt and Blouse: My own design ( you can also order your favorite, contact me for more details on manuela.lupascu91@gnail.com ) , Heels: Zara, Clutch: Carpisa

25 March 2014

Rainy day

Hello Loves! Here is my small story for today :) When I first opened my eyes in the morning, outside it was quite sad: Rainy and cloudy! Not the perfect ingredients to start the day indeed. But still, I managed to get up of my comfy bed and I went for a fast fitting ( Tomorrow it will be a busy day, one shooting = 60 outfits... We will see how me manage that) and then came back home. 

I enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate while I was surfing through my design sketches and I reminded myself how much I enjoy drawing and decided to create something new. I begin with the simplest one, this dress and you can see that my current obsession is the open back ♥ I love it, adore it, fancy it... It`s so sexy in my opinion!

My work will continue and soon I will also add more products on sale for you. New ones and also the ones that were made for the Fashion Design Course :D

Can`t wait for your impressions 
Kisses, Manuella ♥ 

I was wearing: Coat: Choies, Hat: Local Market, Over the knee boots: Lovelyshoes, 
Dress: My own design ( You can order it, For more details you can contact me: manuela.lupascu91@gmail.com )

24 March 2014

It`s Monday and I enjoy it ♥

Hello Loves!! Since we don`t need coats and warm jackets, I decided to wear more my blazers. And even if I have this powder pink blazer for almost 2 years, this spring it seems that is my favorite one :D I love its color but also its shape!! 

About this outfit, well is my favorite one,  not this one in particularly but this style, classy and comfy: Bf jeans, high heels, a simple t-shirt with a funny message and the attitude :) still very important !! Always put a smile on your face and be positive. ♥

So that`s it for today, I hope you enjoy the new post and I promise to keep you updated with all the projects and work that I will be involved in this week... It will be awesome. 

For more real time pictures I invite you to follow my Facebook Page and Instagram Accounts :D

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Jeans: Here, Blazer: Here, T-shirt: MOFO Clothing, Bag: Dasha, Heels: Here

21 March 2014

Event Fashion For Business - Bucuresti, 27 Martie

Buna dragelor! Astazi am decis sa incep ziua prin a va oferi oportunitatea de a afla mai multe despre un eveniment ce o sa aiba loc saptamana viitoare si care sigur o sa va placa si veti dori sa participati ♥

Daca sunteti pasionate de moda si de machiaj ca si mine, iar daca imaginea este prima carte de vizita pe care o prezentati oriunde mergeti, ei bine, Fashion For Business este cu siguranta evenimentul potrivit pentru voi.

Fashion for Business este un eveniment despre atitudine, despre puterea brandului personal in afaceri, despre increderea si profesionalismul pe care il poti transmite prin simpla alegere corecta a unei tinute si a unui machiaj adecvat.
    Inscrie-te la evenimentul Fashion for Business si alege sa participi la unul din workshop-urile: "Dress to succes. Impactul vizual al imaginii personale" sustinut de catre Daniela Caia, Fashion Consultant sau "Make-up 4 Business", un workshop powered by Avon si sustinut de Carmen Dinca, make-up artist AVON Romania.

 Eu una sunt foarte incantata si sunt convinsa ca voi afla foarte multe lucruri extrem de interesante si utile in acelasi timp. De asemenea eu am ales workshop-ul "Dress to Succes", ceea ce era probabil mai mult decat evident ♥

 La eveniment vor participa: Teodora Migdalovici, fondator Me.Alchemy si The Alternative School of Creative Thinking, Andreia Urzica, PR Manager H&M, Raluca Kisescu, Senior Manager Commercial Marketing, Avon Romania, Mirela Bucovicean, Fondator Molecule – F, Ana-Maria Luiza Hudea, Country Manager Vicomte A. pentru Romania, Maurice Munteanu, Fashion Editor Elle & blogger, Lena Criveanu, designer, Ana Morodan, Personal Style Adviser & Fashion Blogger.

Evenimentul va avea loc pe 27 martie 2014 la Hotel Howard Johnson din Bucuresti.  Pentru mai multe informatii legate de inscrierile la eveniment, vizitati www.bizforum.ro/fashionforbusiness sau contactati-ne la adresa de mail gabriela.matei@revistabiz.ro.

Partenerii evenimentului sunt: AVON Romania, H&M, Vicomte A., REDD'S. 

Deci, cu cine voi avea ocazia sa ma intalnesc si sa petrecem o zi superba?
Ne vedem acolo
Kisses, Manuella

18 March 2014

Sunny day

Hey loves ❤️ Today it seems to start awesone: the sun is up, the weather is great and I'm on my way to meet two of my favorite girls ( fashion bloggers, obvious) for a nice project that will start soon and I will tell you more as soon as I can!

And something about my outfit, it is so clear that this spring we have to wear the ripped jeans right? I know and you may say that are everywhere but still, try to combine them your on way and for sure you'll look fabulous! And don't forget about pastels. If you don't wear them now, then when? 

I hope you have a great day 
Kisses, Manuella ❤️

I was wearing: Blazer: Here, T-shirt: Here, Jeans: Zara, Bag: Here, Sandals: Here

16 March 2014

In Vogue We Trust

So here I am, back in business with one of my fav outfits that I wore lately. It seems that a T-shirt can be worn is so many ways that my wanna be elegant outfit, with high waist skirt with lace details is the perfect match for it and even the animal print heels can be integrated as well. Don`t you think?

And to  "sell" you a trick, because I have to wear a lot heels for the last 2 weeks my feet were in such a pain that after a while I decided to change the heels with a pair of white and comfy sneacker. And the outfit was still great :D

I hope you like it and I can`t wait to hear again your impressions 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Jacket: Here, T-shirt: Ruvix, Skirt: Here, Bag: Local Market, Heels: Lovelyshoes