31 October 2013

Basic outfit

 Hi girls! I know that many of you are thinking at Halloween but I`m not so attracted by it. So, I will continue with my outfit post as usual :))
 You can find all the needed info about what I`m wearing at the end of this text and now I will let you wth the rest of the pictures because tomorrow I will leave to Sibiu for a very nice project. So follow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay in touch with all the news :D

Thank you and have a wonderful week
Kisses, Manuella !!

 I was wearing: Cardigan: Here, Sunglasses: Here, Leather Pants: Here , Bag: LaPallete, Boots: Mini Prix

28 October 2013

Green Jacket

Girls, I have to confess: I hate the fact that now the day is shorter and that after 6 p.m. is dark in the city and also I believe that all summer lovers understand what I`m saying. 
Anyway, here I am with a new outfit post. I wore this at the Canah Event last week, and the healthy way of life promoted by Canah has no connection with by new gorgeous, adorable and favorite leather jacket. Believe me, it was a simple coincidence :D

Oh, so here we start a new week, I have to say that it will be pretty busy for me, but for sure, many beautiful things will happen and I will keep you updated on my Facebook Page and Insta Account

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: T-shirt: Guess, Leather Jacket: Here, Skirt: DIY, Bag: Dasha, Boots: Here

24 October 2013

Sequin dress

Hello girls! I`m in a big rush, so I will let you with these pictures taken a few weeks ago.  I have to say that I`m completely in love with the AxParis dresses ♥ 

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Dress: AxParis, Heels: Here

21 October 2013

So busy lately and the Sheinside Winner

Ultimele doua saptamani au fost extrem de agitate pentru mine. Stiu ca am lipsit destul de mult, insa acest aspect o sa fie remediat :D 
Insa am cateva lucruri sa va povestesc. Acum o saptamana, a inceput cursul de Design Vestimentar din cadrul Atelierelor Ilbah. Sunt extrem de trista ca nu am reusit sa ajung la primele doua cursuri deoarece din cate am fost informata s-au intamplat lucruri extrem de interesante. Dar mi-am promis ca saptamana aceasta voi ajunge, astfel ca abia astept sa va povestesc si voua mai multe.

De asemenea, este in pregatire si un nou proiect minunat despre care o sa va povestesc mai multe la momentul potrivit.

Oh si printre multiplele drumuri facute, am reusit sa ajung si la deschiderea magazinului Pandora din noul mall Promenada. Cei care nu au fost la deschiderea acestui mall, nu ati pierdut nimic, pana sa ajung la la destinatie...a fost haos, parcare plina, niciun loc liber, oamenii se calcau in picioare fiind foarte aglomerat, singurul lucru care mi-a salvat seara a fost atmosfera extrem de placuta, creata si mentinta de cei de la Pandora.

And now I will tell you about the Sheinside Giveaway Winner.
Congrats ellys_11@yahoo.com . I don`t know your name honey but you`ll be soon contacted to receive the prize.

Si cam aici o sa inchei. 
Va pup si va doresc o saptamana minunata

I was wearing: Cardigan: Here, Skirt: Here, Boots: Mini Prix, Bag: Dasha, Hat: Here, Watch: Guess

7 October 2013

The second part of our story with Diva Hair and Nokia

Acum cateva zile, v-am povestit despre cel mai nou proiect in care am avut ocazia sa fiu implicata alaturi de Oana( Oz Style) si Pepa (Rubber Doll). Prima parte a zilei deja ati vazut cum s-a desfasurat, iar daca nu, va invit sa accesati Aici pentru a vedea cum decurge ziua unei bloggerite de la inceput.

Si acum voi continua cu a doua parte a zilei, in care am mers la cumparaturi in showroom-ul fetelor de la Sweet Paprika si Bookleta ♥ iar apoi la unul din restaurantele noastre preferate din Centrul Vechi.

Evident, toate miscarile ne-au fost imortalizate pentru a va arata si voua dar si pentru a ramane cu amintiri extrem de placute in urma acestei zile minunate din punctul meu de vedere.

I was wearing: Sweet Paprika Skirt & Peplum Blouse, Bookleta Bag, Oasap Sandals

4 October 2013

Fluffy Cardigan

Well, a while ago when I ordered this cardigan, it didn`t even came to my mind that I will wear it so soon. As you can see, in Bucharest the weather is not the most wonderful one and I have to admit that I`m not a huge fan of the cold seasons. 
But all in all, you know the expression: "It`s so fluffy...I`m gonna die" :))
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Kisses, Manuella

I was wearing: Hat: Here, Fluffy Cardigan: Here, Leggins: Local Market, Bag: Dasha, Boots: fShoes

Tinuta este compusa din: Palarie, Cardigan, Colanti: Magazin Local, Botine, Geanta: Dasha 
 (unde nu este precizat magazinul, click pe cuvantul corespunzator produsului ) 

1 October 2013

Takko fashion Contest

Poate ati vazut deja tinutele compuse de alte fete pe paginile lor de facebook, insa in cele din urma a venit si randul meu. Putin(mai mult ) intarziata, a trebuit sa trec cu brio de cateva piedici, insa sper sa nu va dezamagesc si sa ma votati pe Pagina de Facebook.

Impreuna cu alte 14 bloggerite, am fost provocata sa compuna o tinuta care sa contina un produs Takko Fashion. Eu am ales aceasta pereche de blugi cu dunga alba, care a devenit noua mea pereche preferata, pe care sa ii o combin cat mai simplu dar de efect, zic eu, impreuna cu o camasa alba, geaca de piele, botine si accesoriile necesare.

Sper sa va placa si scuze pentru calitatea pozelor, intamplator sau nu, ghinionul m-a nimerit si din acest punct de vedere deoarece aparatul nu a mers :))

Pentru a ma putea vota ( vesnicul Like) puteti gasi poza AICI

Tinuta este compusa din: Botine: fShoes, Jacketa: Cozbest, Casamasa: Raluca Martinescu, Blugi: Takko Fashion, Hat: Here Geanta : Dasha