30 September 2013

New Giveaway - $150 Gift Card

So, I think it is time for a new Giveaway!! Since the weather can`t help us much, I think the best activity will be to search the most wonderful seasonal items on Sheinside !
Since our long time collaboration is working so great, we decided to offer you again the chance to win a $150 coupon code to be spent on whatever you want! Isn`t it great?

In order to have a valid entry in this contest, you must follow the next steps: 
1. Register on Sheinside
3. Share the contest picture. You can find it HERE
4. Leave a comment under this post with your email address ( it must be the same one you use for to register).

The contest is available until 15 October .
With all this have been said, I wish you good luck :D

Kisses, Manuella ♥

27 September 2013

Lady Like

A while ago, I started a new project with Diva Hair and Nokia, which gather three fashion bloggers and follow them to see what happens through an entire day of their lives. 
The first part of the day is already online, and you can see it Here
This post will be just a small introduction to the second part of the day, by showing you what I have choose to wear for a walk with the girls in the Old Center of Bucharest and also for the dinner that we took.

But more pictures and details will be founded in the following post. I hope I`ve made you curious and also that you`ll follow our activity during this wonderful day .

Kisses, Manuella

I was wearing: Necklace: Here, Peplum Blouse & Skirt: Sweet Paprika , Sandals: Here, Bag: Bookleta( New Collection)

25 September 2013

Surprise: New Autumn Hair Color

Hello girls!! Here is a small surprise:If you follow me for let`s say, at least a year, you know that from time to time I have this thig...to change my hair color, but I always pick blond shades.
So, yesterday I decided to change my hair color, but as you can see, not so drastically :) I have picked a darker blonde and the wonderful people from the Wella team helped me in getting the most natural and gorgeous color. I mean, I like it, but I also want to know what you think about it?
When Autumn makes its presence felt, I consider that the bright blonde (which I adore) is not suitable anymore. So my recommendation will be to change a bit your color and don`t worry, as in my case, dark colors on blond don`t last too long:after a few washes, if the difference is small, the initial color will take back its place.

So, because you always ask me what I use in this process, I think that I will make a post where I will explain you the steps and the combination. What do you think?

Have a nice evening
Kisses, Manuella

I was wearing: Blazer: Derin, T-shirt: Zara, Leggins: Local market, Sneakers: fShoes, Bag: Dasha
Tinuta este compuse din: Sacou: Derin, Maieu: Zara, Colanti: Magazin local, Pantofi Sport :fShoes, Geanta : Dasha

24 September 2013

Diva Hair & Nokia Collaboration

A trecut ceva timp de cand v-am anuntat pe Pagina de Facebook despre noul proiect in care am fost implicata de cei de la Nokia si Diva Hair
Si iata ca a sosit momentul sa va povestesc mai multe despre el cat si despre ziua pentrecuta impreuna cu Oana si Pepa, alte doua bloggerite foarte dragi mie. Ei bine, proiectul isi doreste sa surprinda o zi din viata fashionistelor si partile frumoase ale acesteia.
O sa va prezint aventura noastra in 2 parti :D
Prima jumatate a zilei ne-a gasit la salon pregatindu-ne asa cum se cuvine: make-up, hair si manichiura; au fost primele ingrediente care au pus bazele unei tinute perfecte. Alegerea mea in materie de coafura pot spune ca a fost usor previzibila, bucle lejere, insa in ceea ce priveste machiajul am optat pt un smokey eyes in nuante de maro si o manichiura rosie de tip caviar.

Cu toate detaliile puse la punct, am plecat spre urmatoarea locatie unde ne-am bucurat de atentia curiosilor trecatori :)) pe tot parcursul sedintei foto. Insa nu ne-a deranjat, deoarece atmosfera creata de noi a fost mult prea placuta si curiozitatea de a descoperii cat mai multe despre noile noastre telefoane ne-a distras atentia de la tot ce se intampla in jur. 
Distractia noastra a continuat, insa aici se incheie prima parte. Nu uitati ca in curand o sa revin cu cea de a 2a. Sper sa va placa ♥

Kisses, Manuella 

I was wearing: Hat: Local Market, Blouse: H&M, Leather Shorts: Mini Prix, Bag: Dasha, Boots: Topb2c, Necklace: Here

19 September 2013


We all dream to be princesses and I hope that we all wear our invisible tiaras, because I surely do :D 
I wanted for a while, to find the perfect glitter heels, but you may know that, when you want to find something in a specific moment it is so damn difficult and usually I give up. And when I expected the less, they appear out of nowhere: gorgeous, shinny and in a perfect shape ♥ Also you`ve seen in the previous post that I was wearing the same shoes but in a different color. I want to let you know that they are also on beige and not only.

So this pair is now online, available to all of you at a great price :D Let me know what you think about them?!

Kisses, Manuella ♥

 I was wearing: Blouse: Here, Jeans: Here, Bracelets: Here, Watch: Guess, Shoes: fShoes, Clutch: Carpisa
Tinuta este compusa din: Bluza, Jeans, Plic: Carpisa, Pantofi, Bratari, Ceas: Guess

16 September 2013

Another Jumpsuit is in my wardrobe !!

In one of my previous posts, where I have presented you this pair of shoes together with 4 others, I told you that they will be soon lunched on fShoes website. Well, starting from this moment you can buy this gorgeous pair, that beside the fact that it looks good is also comfortable( perfect, right?!).

About the outfit, it was prepared for a while now, but I`ve change my mind regarding the heels, in favor of the ones that you can see in these pictures. I also want to tell you that in my opinion, this kind of outfit is suitable with heels and also with a pair of white sneakers. What do you think?

I hope you like my newest outfit and also enjoy shopping on fshoes :D
Kisses, Manuella

I was wearing: Sunglasses: Heels: fShoes, Ray Ban, Blouse: Raluca Martinescu, Jumpsuit: Here, Watch: Guess, Necklace & Bracelets: Local Market, Bag: LaPallete 

Tinuta este compusa din: Pantofi, Ochelari de soare: Ray Ban, Camasa: Raluca Martinescu, Salopeta: Aici, Ceas: Guess, Colier si Bratari: Magazin Local, Geanta: LaPallete

15 September 2013

Almost All Black

While I was out in the city for dinner, I decided to wear this dress. It is so comfy and I can say, that I almost walked naked, hahaa. I know how it may sound, but believe me it is perfect and because sometimes we are over with tight jeans, tight dresses and tights skirts, if you want to have your own moment, to escape and feel free, well the perfect solution is this dress. 
P.S.: I may say it has a small drawback, I wear it for almost 20 min in the car, and you can see how crumpled it is :( . Accept my apologies!

That`s it for today, but stay tuned because I have prepared many other posts for you :D

Kisses, Manuella

I was wearing: Dress: Here, Boots: Here, Sunglasses: Ray Ban, Bag: Here

13 September 2013

I love you

I wear sporty outfits more than you think. Since I`m going to the swimming pool every evening, imagine that heels are out of discussion. And what is more suitable than a pair of short jeans, sneakers and a cute hoodie that told me "I love you" when I first saw it :)).
Yeah, I need attention and I need a lot. 
Anyway, I hope you like my newest outfit and until next time, don`t forget to do some sport. Is, let`s say, my advice of the day.
Stay tuned because I have more outfits and posts prepared for you

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Hoodie: Here, Short Jeans: Here, Bag: Here, Sneakers: Here, Sunglasses: Ray Ban

12 September 2013

Princess Shoes ♥

Faptul ca ador pantofii si ca traiesc cu impresia ca niciodata nu am suficienti, nu mai este o noutate pentru nimeni, iar cei de la fShoes au inteles perfect acest lucru :))

Tin sa va mentionez ca aceasta postare reprezinta si un preview, mai exact o parte din perechile de incaltaminte pe care le veti vedea in continuare sunt deja pe site-ul lor, insa o parte nu. Ceea ce ma face sa fiu prima persoana care a reusit sa puna mana pe ele ♥ Daca ati pus deja ochii pe vreo pereche care nu este pe site, trebuie sa fiti pe faza pentru ca in postarile ce vor urma, o sa anunt si momentul in care vor fi disponibile.

Pana atunci astept parerile voastre si sa imi spuneti care este perechea voastra preferata. De asemenea va invit sa vizitati si site-ul fShoes, pentru  a vedea o parte din noile colectii de ghete, botine, cizme si pantofi, potrivite noului sezon ( si doar o parte, pentru ca asa cum v-am spus o sa mai urmeze si alte modele, spun eu, extrem de frumoase ♥ )

Kisses, Manuella ♥

De data aceasta mi se pare mai potrivit sa spu "In curand voi purta" :
2. & 3. Pantofi
4. Botine
5. Ghete

11 September 2013

Crop top ♥

If the last month I wasn`t so active here, on the blog, I have to tell you that there are so many new items in my closet that are waiting to be exposed. And since last week was a bit busy, I didn`t manage to put them up on the blog, Buuuut, I`m planning to recap :D

About this outfit, well, I have these pieces for a while and I wanted so bad to wear cropped t-shirts with high waist short, but I didn`t find the perfect moment and occasion. And now, here it is. This type of outfit was very popular this summer and I know, is fall but since is still warm, I don`t care much about it :))

I hope you like it
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Blouse: Here, Shorts: Here, Bag: Here, Sandale: fShoes, Bracelets: Here, Necklace: Here
Tinuta este compusa din : Top, Pantaloni scurti, Geanta, Sandale, Bratari, Colier

9 September 2013

New outfit + Ferrari event

This weekend I`ve had the chance to watch the F1 Race at Ferrari store/ Ferrari Forza Rossa Caffe. I remember myself when I was like around 10 years old, standing in the couch with my dad and watch the race. It was fascinating me: the atmosphere, the speed, the cars and sometimes I was terrified by the accidents that took place. I will never forget what a terrible accident suffered Michael Schumacher and imagine what was in my mind when I saw all the doctors, the helicopter and the agitation around his car.

Anyway, this time it was only peace and quiet: with a minor accident at the beginning and a safe race made by the winner, Vettel.
Oh, I can say is a small passion gained since I was a kid, and now, thinking more about it, I can`t get an answer or an excuse to the fact that I still don`t own a driving licence.

I hope you like my outfit and what I want to say more about it, is that I`ve combine it also with a pair of white converse and they are quite a match. See the picture on My Instagram Account.

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Dress: Here, Heels: fShoes, Bag: Dasha

7 September 2013

New Begginings

Ei bine, a venit timpul sa va povestesc despre noutatile pe care le mentionam in postarea anterioara.
Am considerat mereu, ca in viata trebuie sa incerci cat mai multe lucruri pentru a descoperi ce iti place cu adevarat si pentru ca efortul si munca zilnica pe care trebuie sa le depunem pentru a progresa sa nu devina o povara. Iar atunci cand gasim ceea ce ne place si facem din placere, lucrurile merg mai mult de la sine si toata munca devine o placere.
Insa, asa cum o persoana pe care eu o apreciez mi-a spus, trebuie intai sa gasesti o nisa care sa te pasioneze, iar apoi sa te perfectionezi si sa excelezi in ceea ce faci.

Dupa cum bine stiti, activitatile mele sunt destul de variate si in domenii diferite: Instructor de inor, voi urma cursurile unui master in domeniul economic, model si blogger. Insa, pot spune ca de cand am blogul si de cand am avut ocazia sa lucrez in aceasta industrie a modei, totul m-a fascinat. Mi-am dorit si imi doresc in continuare sa ma implic cat mai mult si sa descopar cat mai multe lucruri ce tin fashion. 

Astfel, dupa aceasta "mica" introducere, tin sa va anunt ca in curand voi incepe un curs de design vestimentar la Atelierele Ilbah. Cat o sa ma ajute pe viitor? Asta numai timpul ne poate spune. Cert este ca sunt extrem de incantata ca voi avea ocazia sa invat lucruri noi si ca o sa fiu eleva Mirelei Diaconu.

Cursul va incepe in curand, iar daca sunteti interesati si pasionati, va pot spune ca mai sunt doar cateva locuri libere :D

Va pup si va doresc un weekend minunat

6 September 2013

Monkey Business

Full busy days are my favorites. I love to be active and to feel myself at the end of the day exhausted because I can say that I used my precious time and I didn`t loose it for nothing. And this is happening for a while now, and don`t misunderstand me, I`m not complaining at all.

I also have some great news to share with you, but you`ll find our more in tomorrow`s post. You can`t even guess what is about, but I think it will change a bit the journey of my life :D or at least I hope so :D.

And a small advise to all of you loves : Do whatever you like and whatever makes you happy. Don`t compromise you`re dreams and fight for them. In the end you`ll be satisfied and thankful for the life you`re living. And yes it may not be easy, there will be obstacles but with ambition and perseverance we will manage to fulfill our dreams. 

Kisses, Manuella ♥ 

I was wearing: Blouse: Here, Leather Shorts: Mini Prix, Bag: Dasha, Sneakers: All Stars, Watch: Guess, Iphone Case: Romwe

4 September 2013

Neon Dress

I have this dress for a while now, but I didn`t manage to wear it and I don`t even know for what reason. But since we still have some warm days left, even if it`s Fall, I decided to do something and wear it before is to late and before my tan will be gone :D.

And since I brought into discussion the fact that is September now and is officially Fall, I can also say that the Fashion Week season will be officially opened by NYFW. I have seen all over the Facebook, girls mentioning that they are leaving for NY and now I am so jealous. First of all because NY is my dream place to visit and even more, if you`re visiting it during the Fashion Week, participating at Shows, Parties it must be a one of a kind experience.

Anyway, I will keep my dream and hope that one day it will become true ♥

Wish you a wonderful week girls,
Kisses, Manuella ♥ 

I was wearing: Sunglasses: Accessorize, Dress: Here, Sandals: Here, Bag: Here, Watch: Guess

2 September 2013

Let`s talk about fashion and Lookool

A trecut ceva timp de la intalnirea mea cu Horia Stan, una dintre persoanele care se afla in 
spatele site-ului Lookool.
 Daca nu ati descoperit inca Lookool este un site de fashion colectiv, unde toate persoanele pasionate de moda si cu bun gust isi pot expune tinutele. De fiecare data am incurajat si am luat parte la astfel de site-uri deoarece le vad foarte utile: gasesti foarte multe persoane, foarte multe stiluri si diferite interpretari ale trendurilor care ma inspira de fiecare data cand sunt in pana de idei. 
Astfel va invit sa va alaturati site-ului si de asemenea sa cititi interviul pe care l-am acordat in timp ce mai faceam cateva poze :D

Sper sa va placa
Kisses, Manuella ♥

Photos made by: Horia Stan
I was wearing: Sunglasses: Ray Ban, Jumpsuit: Here, Bag: House of Art, Bracelet: B.A.D. Style, Watch: Guess, Sandals: Here