28 June 2013

New Carpisa Store plus a new outfit

This was the outfit that I wore for the new Carpisa store opening in Baneasa Shopping City. I choose to wear this out fit because it has bright colors and it's perfect for summer days spent in the city when your schedule dose not allow you to get way. 
I recommend you to visit In Vogue's site for gorgeous and fashionable shoes like the one I'm wearing in this post and I guarantee you that you won't be disappointed and also B.A.D. Style see his wonderful collections. 
Kisses, Manuella 

I was wearing: Blouse: H&M, Shorts: Here, Heels: Here, Sunglasses: Romwe, Clutch: Carpisa

26 June 2013

Day dreamer

Good evening girls! In this post I want to tell you how good I felt wearing this dress. I know that you may say "Is just a simple dress!" but believe me, wearing it made me feel like a urban princess. When we were young we all dreamed to be princesses, to wear royal dresses and jewelries and meet the famous prince. Well this is not so hard if we manage to find the perfect guy that treats us like as we were princesses, wear the right clothes, which also don`t have to be extremely expensive(even though we want them to be, but at the right moment they will be :D ) aaand in the same time behave the right way.

Sounds perfect, isn`t it?
I know it may sound stupid but believe me, it is possible.And this dress helped: Pearl pink, soft details, fluid, comfy and also elegant, everything at an affordable price.Can I ask for more?

I hope you`ll continue to dream and also that you`ll never get tired trying to transform your dreams into reality.

Have a wonderful evening,
Kisses, Manuella 

I was wearing: Dress: Here, Sunglasses: Romwe, Sandals: Zara, Bag: LaPallete

24 June 2013

Prom Dress Idea + Sheinside Internationa Giveaway Winner

Asa cum poate ati vazut pe pagina mea de Facebook, astazi urmeaza sa va prezint o sugestie pentru  tinuta de bal deoarece tot suntem la sfarsitul facultatii si acest eveniment este extrem de aproape.
Daca nu v-ati gasit inca rochia perfecta, eu va recomand aceasta rochie multiway pe care o puteti gasi pe site-ul Avei: Ava Precub Design. Modalitatile de purtare sunt multiple iar in aceasta postare veti avea ocazia sa vedeti cum am dorit eu cat si Mihaela sa le purtam pentru a se mula cat mai bine pe gusturile noastre si de asemenea foarte important este sa ne simtim confortabil in ele.

Mergand la showroom-ul ei, va pot spune ca este foarte talentata si nu sunt putine produsele care mi-au fost pe plac !!
Asa cum v-am obisnuit astept parerile voastre 

Kisses, Manuella 
I was wearing: Dress: Here, Sandals: Zara, Earrings: H&M

P.S.: On the bottom of the post you will see the Sheinside Giveaway Winner. See if you`re the lucky one! :D

23 June 2013

Favorite dress

Hi girls! As you all know already about my exams session, I want to tell you also that is officially over and I am a graduate now....Finally!!! So I thought it will be a perfect occasion to wear this gorgeous dress that before it was far from my mind that I will ever wear it.Why? Well, I considered that this kind of shape and length will not be suitable for me, but everything has a beginning! 
If you want to find it or some similar ones at great prices I will highly recommend you to visit the following site: AxParis . 

So from now on I will enjoy my free time and spend some quality time with my friends that lately are saying that i have been neglect them. Sorry guys!

Have a wonderful evening,
Kisses, Manuella 

I was wearing: Dress: Here, Sandals: Versace for H&M, Bag: LaPallete, Sunglasses: Romwe

22 June 2013

Perfect Meeting at Digital Diva

Buna dragele mele! Aseara dupa cum stiti, a avut loc evenimentul Digital Diva. Am avut onoarea si placerea sa ma numar si eu printre nominalizatii la unul dintre premii, mai exact la Best Newcommer Fashion Blog.
Din pacate nu m-am numarat si printre castigatori asa cum probabil toti care am fost nominalizati ne doream.Acest lucru nu reprezinta neaparat o dezamagire, ci un impuls pentru a incerca sa dezvolt si sa imbunatatesc tot ce am facut pana acum. Stim cu totii cat de bine este sa castigi dar trebuie sa stim sa si pierdem.
Dar tin sa ii felicit pe toti cei care au castigat! Keep up the good work!
Toata experienta a fost minunata si ma bucur nespus ca am reusit sa ma intalnesc cu multe dintre fetele pe care le stiam doar din online dar nu avusesem sansa sa ne vedem si face2face.O parte dintre ele le veti vedea si in pozele care vor urma. De asemenea ma bucur ca am reusit sa particip la 3 sesiuni de discursuri deoarece oamenii de succes din domeniu ne-au putut impartasii putin din reteta succesului si orice informatie, atata timp cat este utila, este extrem de bine venit!!

Tinuta aleasa de mine a fost una in culori deschise si extrem de lejera. Bluza pot spune ca este preferata mea

Voi ce parere aveti?
Kisses, Manuella

I was wearing: Blouse: Here, Jeans: Zara, Bag: LaPallete, Sandals: Zara, Watch: Guess, Bracelet: Swarovski

19 June 2013

Like a princess

Well, I have to give you the great news...there is still one more exam to go for tomorrow and Officially it will be over. Can`t wait!! 
About this outfit, as you can see the spot is on the peplum princess blouse, which I love it and i decided to wear it with basic items ! What do you think about it? :D
And now buck to study ( the last time) :))

Wish you a wonderful day girls,

I was wearing: Blouse:Here, Jeans: Mango, Sandals: Zara, Bag: LaPallete, Watch: Guess, Sunglasses:here

15 June 2013

Simple chic

 This outfit is one of my favorite lately. I feel elegant but also chic and comfortable even if these heels have 14cm. Also I very happy because I managed to post more with all the busy thing and I hope you enjoy more entering the blog now:D
I also want to let you know about my latest International Sheinside Giveaway, where you can win $100 to spend on Sheinside ( For ex. you can see the jumpsuit I'm wearing is from their site)
If you feel interested enter HERE for more info.

Kisses, Manuella

 I was wearing: Sunglasses: RayBan, Jumpsuit: Here, Heels: Here, Bag: Local Market, Bracelets: Here, Watch: Guess

14 June 2013

Urban Jungle

Hi girls! My exams session is almost done, there are 2 more to go! So I can be a bit more relaxed and enjoy some free time :D So I will keep it short and wish you a wonderful weekend! 
Kisses,Manuella <3 p="">

12 June 2013

Midnight post- TEX Challange

Buna Seara dragele mele!! Stiu ca ora aceasta nu este tocmai obisnuita pt postari insa am ramas putin in urma. 
Sa va spun despre ce este vorba: Oana Zidaru mi-a lansat o provocare pe care nu o puteam refuza, mai exact 5 bloggerite, acelasi model de pantaloni. Ei bine fiecare a venit cu ideea ei, iar acum avem parte de o mica intrecere la care o sa va rog sa ma ajutati: Timp de o saptamana se voteaza pe facebook ( obisnuitele like-uri), iar la sfarsit una din noi o sa castige un minunat voucher din partea TEX (sponsorul concursului)

Asa ca va invit/rog, sa intrati pe pagina de Facebook pentru a ma sustine si promit sa ma revansez :D

Va pup si va doresc o seara minunata ♥

I was wearing: Pants: TEX, Blouse: H&M, Sunglasses: Romwe, Bag: Here, Sandals: Local Market , Watch: Guess, Bracelet: Here

11 June 2013

American National day sale at Romwe

You all know my dream, to visit New York on my, and their, birthday ( Yes I`m born on 4th of July for those who didn`t knew already :D and soon it will coooooome)
With this occasion Romwe prepared in advance a very attractive sale with gorgeous products at lower prices ♥
I will fore sure check it and i highly invite you to do you 
Time: 11/06/2013 – 15/06/2013

And don`t forget about the Giveaway

Any prefferences?

Kisses, Manuella ♥

10 June 2013

Must have pentru o tinuta impecabila!!

Nivelul de entuziasm cand primiti o jucarie noua?? MAXIIIM :))

Ei bine, asa mi s-a intamplat si mie cand am primit acest nou fier de calcat Tefal Freemove de ultima generatie, care dupa cum probabil ati realizat si din denumire, te scapa de fir. Toate haiele au fost luate la aranjat iar placerea de a-l folosi, trebuie sa recunosc, nu s-a datoral doar faptului ca este nou, ci si caracteristicilor acestuia care il fac unic si extrem de atractiv ( Cu atat mai mult daca persoana este usor neindemanatica si stangace...ca mine :)) )

Lipsa firului ofera libertate totala de miscare, reusind astfel sa transforme calcatul intr-o activitate usoara si placuta. De asemenea as vrea sa va mai spun ca in pauzele de calcat,stiti, cand intoarceti haina pentru a schimba partea ce trebuie calcata, fierul se incarca oferind astfel suficienta rezistenta pe tot parcursul procesului. Siiii fiindca sunt atat de multe calitati, trebuie sa va mai mentionez ca este eficient in calcarea hainelor fara a necesita masa de calcat!!

Perfect,nu? ♥

Va imaginati, acum nu mai am nicio scuza, tinutele mele trebuie sa fie impecabile, cum s-ar spune.. la dunga, si cu ajutorul fierului de calcal Tefal Freemove acest lucru este posibil!

Pe mine m-a convins, voi ce parere aveti? 

Kisses, Manuella ♥

8 June 2013

Sheinside International Giveaway- Win $100

If you are a follower of my blog also on Facebook ( if not yet, you`re kindly invited :D ), you already know about this International Giveaway from a few days ago already. 

I will keep it short. You know how much I appreciate your implication, even if we talk about cute comments or critics, I will always be thankful if they are constructive.
This Giveaway, which is made in collaboration with my wonderful collaborators from Sheinside will come as an award to one of you, obvious the most luckiest. You wanna know the prize? Well you'll receive $100 to spend on whatever you want on their website and believe me, at their affordable prices you'll be able to buy a lot ♥

1. Register on Sheinside here.
3. Share the contest picture. You can find it here
4. Leave a comment on the blog with your email address ( the one you use for signing up).

Simple as it is! After 2 weeks I will announce the happy winner - 23 of June 2013
Good luck 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Blouse: Sheinside, Jeans: Zara, Sneakers: All Stars, Bag: LaPallete, Watch: Guess, 
Bracelets: Swarovski

6 June 2013

Nominalizare in cadrul Digital Diva ♥

Nu va puteti imagina cat de entuziasmata sunt !! Stiu, este doar o nominalizare, dar si asa onoarea este extrem de mare. In momentul in care am decis sa imi fac un blog, departe de mine a fost gandul ca multa lume o sa aprecieze si ca incet incet o sa creasa si o sa devina my liitle baby :D. Imi doresc in continuare sa aduc imbunatatiri si multe...pentru ca mereu trebuie sa aspiram la mai mult si pentru ca se poate. 

Insa fara aprecierile voastre si fara entuziasmul de care ati dat dovada, probabil ca nu as mai fi ramas in sfera online-ului atat de mult.
Va multumesc pentru tot si sper sa imi fiti alaturi in continuare ♥

De asemenea, puteti sa contribuiti si voi la desemnarea unui castigator. Mai exact, este vorba de categoria People's Choice Awards. Accesati link-ul urmator si ajutati-va preferatul sa castige : http://www.digitaldivas.ro/2013/gala.php#top

O seara minunata va doresc
Kisses, Manuella ♥

5 June 2013

Dresses all the way

First exam is done and passed, still 5 to come :)). Meanwhile I managed to take some pictures with this gorgeous dress ♥ I love it badly, half very soft leatherette and half tutu ♥  I highly recommend you to visit their site Sway Chic to convince yourself how great they are. Also my friend Adriana is wearing a dress from the new collection made by Denisa Matei, isn`t she lovely?

Have a great week and don`t forget to smile,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Dress: Here, Sunglasses: Here, Heels: Zara, Bag: House of Art

3 June 2013

Behind the lines

Between the lines of my EU Law materials I decided to make a short post with the outfit i wore last week before this crazy storm started. You know how much I love bright colors and mint shade + white is one of my fav combination.
Anyway, I have to turn back to study...not such a pleasant activity but, you know... is mandatory.

Have a great week,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Sunglasses: Here, Blouse: Here, Jeans: Zara, Sandals: Zara, Bag: Here, Bracelets: Here