28 October 2012

Sticks and stones

The first thing that came into my mind when i first saw these pictures was the wonderful song: David Guetta -Titanium and mainly because of the background. About the outfit, lately i adore to wear and try to combine the items to create a sort of rockish/army outfits. I don`t know how much i succed in doing this but i felt ok wearng this kind of style and in the end this is what counts most.

What do you say, it fits me? 
Wish you all a wonderful Sunday,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

27 October 2012

Puma creative factory

Last Friday, as some of you read on my blog, took place Puma creative factory. PUMA has partnered with Wildlife Works and Lumi for this year’s PUMA Creative Factory, and we had the opportunity to create fun t-shirts and bags using Lumi paint, stencils & prints. In this post you`ll see my outfit and also i will show you some pictures to let you know how was the atmosphere . 

Also i`ve had the wonderful pleasure to meet Denisa and Costin , two great bloggers and to end up together with them , printed on a t-shirt. ( which btw was Costin`s idea ).

I wish you a wonderful weekend 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

22 October 2012


In my case and i`m absolutely sure that i`m not the only one... when i feel the need of a change, my hair is always the first that i`m thinking about. And i`ve made the change...is not a huge difference but for almost 4 years i`ve had the same hair color. 

And now i really want to know what do you think about it and also about the new studded jacket :D
Kisses, Manuella ♥

21 October 2012

Sweet Paprika by Gabriela Atanasov

Here are some pictures from the wonderful collection lauched by Gabriela Atanasov last week. I think it will be more pictures but for the moment i will show you a small preview :D I hope you enjoy it !

Kisses, Manuella ♥

20 October 2012


Pentru cei care stiu deja despre ce este vorba, am revenit cu noi amanunte, iar pentru cei care nu stiu , va invit sa cititi aceasta postare si sper de asemenea sa ne vedem la eveniment :D

Bucuresti, Romania – Dupa lansarea cu succes a initiativei  PUMA The Creative Factory in noimebrie 2010, prin care consumatorii isi puteau personaliza online  perechea de pantofi dorita , urmata apoi de editia limitata de jachete  personalizate “T7 by Akcent”  , PUMA isi extinde povestea designului personalizat cu  ‘Love thy Planet’.  PUMA a facut un parteneriat cu  Wildlife Works si Lumi pentru editia din acest an PUMA  Creative Factory, pentru ca iubitorii de produse PUMA sa-si poata puna creativitatea si priceperea la treaba  , folosind un proces revolutionar de printing pentru tricouri si genti .

Wildlife Works este liderul mondial REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation)  o companie specializata in dezvoltarea si implementarea proiectelor de acest gen : reducerea emisiilor de carbon rezultate din defrisarea padurilor si alterarea mediului inconjurator  .  Tricourile Creative Factory sunt produse de angajatii  Wildlife Works , angajati care provin din comunitatea locala a coridorului REDD +, din  Kasigau , Kenya. Toate textilele sunt produse din bumbac organic si bumbac fair-trade. Fabrica sponsorizata de PUMA este o sursa de joburi sustenabile si reprezinta o mare mandrie pentru comunitatea locala .  Pregatirea angajatilor si veniturile constante generate de fabrica , ajuta familii intregi din aceasta comunitate sa depaseasca pragul saraciei .

“REDD+ aduce o schimbare pozitiva in regiunea noastra , cu solutii reale si directe pentru diminuarea saraciei , solutii ce vor duce la ridicarea nivelului de trai al comunitatii noastre “  a spus Chief Kizaki din zona  Kasigau , districtul Voi , unde se gasesc peste  12,000 de oameni . Chief Kizaki a adaugat , “ Aceasta nu este o actiune caritabila . Fondurile obtinute din reducerea emisiilor de carbon ne ajuta sa ne imbunatatim conditiile de trai . Aceste fonduri se obtin prin actiuni de conservare care ne permit sa protejam mediul inconjurator ”
Pe site-ul  www.puma.com/lovethyplanet, PUMA ofera oamenilor posibilitatea sa incarce  poze cu ceea ce  iubesc la planeta noastra si cu ceea ce ar vrea sa conserve . Participantii vor avea ca sursa de inspiratie fotografii incarcate de ambasadorul nostru  Alex Galmeanu, dar si de ambasadorii din celelalte tari .
 La evenimentele  PUMA Creative Factory, participantii  vor putea sa printeze pe tricouri si pe genti una din aceste fotografii sau altele pe aceeasi tema , fotografii realizate de ei ,  sau vor putea picta direct etc  ,  folosind Inkodye®, un colorant-vopsea  produs de Lumi , colorant ce se activeaza la lumina naturala a soarelui .  Acest proces revolutioneaza intreaga industrie fashion de DoItYourself.  Inkodye®, singura vopsea din lume sensibila la lumina , isi dezvolta culoarea in lumina soarelui , facand posibil pentru oricine sa-si printeze fotografiile pe textile , pentru a crea un produs fashion unic.

Evenimetul PUMA The Creative Factory – LoveThyPlanet va avea loc in Club Oxygen , Mall Sun Plazza ( Sector 4 ) , pe data de 25 Octombrie 2012 (joi)  . Fiindca avem nevoie de lumina soarelui , va asteptam acolo la ora 11 dimineata ca sa ne jucam cu cerneluri , fotografii si produse PUMA . Jucariile le aducem noi , voi nu trebuie decat sa fiti prezenti!

Daca doriti sa va testati creativitatea si spiritul ludic si vreti sa participati alaturi de noi ,  va rugam sa trimiteti un email pe adresa : cristinafdobrescu@gmail.com ( nu uitati sa ne lasati si un numar de telefon ) si va vom contacta pentru mai multe detalii. Vom premia cel mai creativ “artist fashionist“ cu 2000 de Euro net si cu multe alte surprize .

16 October 2012

Sail with me ♥

This is just a quick post, because i`m in a hurry now and i just wanted to show you this casual outfit that somehow defies the Autumn  :D
Have a wonderful day,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

15 October 2012

Fall...in love!

I know i`ve been absent lately but this kind of weather is not really my favorite and also i`ve been involved in different activities that kept me busy all day long!

This is my first official fall outfit and i have to tell you that i`m in love with the blouse
Also, i wrote about an amazing event that will take place next week and you can also be present ( romanian readers only, because it is Bucharest, Romania) .All you have to do is to check the PREVIOUS post and enter on the Puma`s website mentioned in the post!

Have a gorgeous week,
Kisses,Manuella ♥

4 October 2012

Follow your hands

Lately i have a huge crush for studs and for outfits with a soft rock inspiration! I know that most of the posts are with elegant outfits but...this is just because i can`t picture all of them !
I hope you like it :D
Kisses, Manuella ♥

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