29 December 2012

Wella Commercial

I received this pictures a while ago and if you follow me on facebook, you may already seen them. Were made 2 months ago for a tv spot for Wella here in Romania. I was also part to another project and i`ve attended to a great photoshoot with some great people and i hope that soon i will have the pictures to share them with you ♥ 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

17 December 2012

What to wear !?

As I`ve told you earlier, I`ve made, in collaboration with Style 24/7, some outfits that are suitable for this kind of weather and also for the parties that are to come starting from the next week. Some of the products are available in different sizes and colors so i will recommend you to visit their site Here or if you`re from Bucharest, to visit their store on the Historic Center, Str Lipscani nr 77 ( Voaleta Building).

Asa cum v-am spus mai devreme, am facut in colaborare cu Style 24/7, cateva tinute care sunt potrivite pentru vremea cu care ne confruntam in ultimele zile dar si pentru petrecerile la care vom merge incepand de saptamana viitoare. Cateva din produse sunt disponibile si pe alte culori si de asemenea pe dispun de mai multe marimi. Astfel va recomand sa vizitati site-ul Aici si daca sunteti din Bucuresti, sa le vizitati magazinul din Centru Istoric, Str Lipscani nr 77 ( Cladirea Voaleta)

Kisses, Manuella ♥

Short Preview

Since  the Christmas Party and NYE requires some special outfits, i decided to make a selection and to share it here with you. This is a small preview and you`ll be albe to see the outfit later :). You can find all these clothes on Style 24/7 where you can enjoy Sales by up to 30% at all of their products. 
Enjoy ♥

Deoarece atat petrecerea de Craciun cat si Petrecerea dintre ani necesita abordarea unor tinute speciale, m-am decis sa fac o selectie si sa va impartasesc cateva idei. Acesta este doar un preview, iar mai pe seara o sa puteti vedea tinutele intregi. Cat despre hainute, le puteti gasi pe site-ul celor de la Style 24/7 unde va puteti bucura de reduceri de pana la 30% la toate produsele,
Enjoy ♥

Kisses, Manuella 

14 December 2012

Craciunul se apropieeee !!!

Craciunul se apropie! Pregateste-te din timp si decorareaza-ti casa pentru oaspetii pretentiosi care iti vor calca pragul. In colectia Aronda, Kahla introduce decorului "Erzgebirge", cu binecunoscutele motive din lemn: ingeri, mineri si spargatori de nuci. La masa din Ajun, impresioneaza-ti invitatii cu feluri de mancare delicioase, servite in farfuriile pentru Craciun din colectia Aronda Erzgebirge. Alaturi de bradul impodobit, designul setului de masa cu decoratii germane va creea o atmosfera feerica.  Acum, il gasesti pe homeycomb.ro, cu discount de 50%.
Nu uita de asternuturile din camerele in care vor dormi musafirii. Trebuie sa fie curate, frumos mirositoare si fara nici o cuta. Iar daca vrei sa faci impresie buna, alege-le pe cele de la Beverly Hills Polo Club, unul dintre cele mai cunoscute branduri din Statele Unite ale Americii. Contemporane si in acelasi timp trendy, cu o nota clasica americana, colectiile de lenjerii Beverly Hills reimprospeteaza stilul casual al dormitorului. Acum, le gasesti pe homeycomb.ro, cu discount de 64%.
Daca vrei sa gatesti repede si usor mesele festive, pune-ti toata baza in vasele de gatit neaderente de la Ballarini. Caracteristicile distinctive ale brandului au puternice legaturi cu traditia culinara italiana si internationala, precum si cu inovatiile tehnologice si creative inerente ale produselor sale. Cuprul in combinatie cu aluminiu propaga caldura uniform si optimizeaza timpul de  gatit. Aspectul deosebit si forma vaselor sunt accentuate de manerele atractive si robuste din alama. Acum, le gasesti pe homeycomb.ro, cu discount de 63%.
Va voi atasa mai multe poze cu produsele de care va spuneam, si le puteti gasi pe site-ul Homeycomb


10 December 2012

Giveaway " Only White for Christmas" By Magazin NO.1

Romanian readers only:

Datorita faptului ca ati fost atat de incantate cat si incantati de Giveaway-ul anterior organizat impreuna cu Magazin NO.1, ne-am gandit sa fim in ton cu zapada care tocmai s-a asternut si sa va oferim sansa de a va inscrie la un nou Giveaway, unde avem nu unul ci patru premii, dupa cum bine observati toate albe : O geanta de piele cu tinte aurii, o vesta pufoasa , o bratara si un guler statement cu pietre.

Ei bine, ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a intra in concurs!? Regulile sunt extrem de simple,ca de obicei :
1. Like Paginii de Facebook Magazin NO.1, AICI
2. Like Paginii Antonia Romania AICI
3. Share pozei concursului, AICI ( Castigatorii se vor alege dintre cei care au dat share pozei si vor fi contactati printr-un mesaj pe facebook )

De asemenea nu uitati sa dati like Paginii de facebook "Let`s talk about fashion" AICI pentru a fi la curent si cu viitoarele postari si suprize pe care vi le pregatesc :D

Concursul o sa dureze pana Duminica, 16 Decembrie! Hurry up sweethearts 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

Fake Short Hairstyle - Tutorial

I know that this picture is not so relevant to show you the hairstyle, but believe me, it was quite hard to pick even this single picture due to the fact that the quality was not as i expected. In order to make it up to you, I`ll do my best to explain the steps you need to follow to achieve this Fake Short Hairstyle.

1. As I recommend in all the hairstyles , your hair has to be freshly washed and dried for a better result.

2. Pick the highest point of your eyebrow and create a side parting in your hair in accordance to that point on your arch. This is a great accuracy tip for when you want to make a side parting.

3. Using a heat styler take a section of hair a few centimetres thick and run the iron down it at a diagonal angle to create a wave. Repeat with all of the hair. I always begin from the neck to the top of the head for better results and also it is much more easier to separate the curly hair from the strait one.

4. After the entire hair is curled, you need to brush it. In this way you`ll get rid of those Barbie curls ( I hope you know what i mean).

5. The last step is very simple. Using some pins, catch the hair inside, near the neck. Be generous with the pins,otherwise the hairstyle may not resist.

What do you think about it? In my opinion, the hairstyle is classy and elegant :D
Kisses, Manuella ♥

Join my facebook page so you`ll be in touch with the latest news ♥

8 December 2012

Cosy Weekend

I`ve been craving for this kind of shoes for a while, and of course I wanted them to be Isabel Marant. But when i saw this pair on Magazin NO1 , i knew the wait is over (even if IM is still on my wishlist).

I hope you like it and also i invite you to like my Facebook Page , so you`ll be in touch with all the updates 
Have a wonderful weekend!
 Kisses, Manuella ♥

7 December 2012

Black Friday prelungit la Homeycomb

Romanian readers only :D

De data aceasta vin cu ceva nou pentru voi si in special pentru iubitorii de arta, ceva ce pana acum nu v-am mai recomandat pe blog. Cum foarte bine stim, portofoliile marilor designeri au devenit din ce in ce mai variate. Astazi eu o sa va propun cateva obiecte ,si nu vestimentare, de la Versace, Kenzo si Fendi pe care le veti putea gasi pe site-ul celor de la Homeycomb la un pret redus...Tentant, nu?
In cele ce urmeaza va voi oferi cateva informatii despre produsele de care va spuneam si desigur va invit sa vizitati site-ul, pentru a descoperii si alte produse din ultimele colectii ale brandurilor de top sau realizate de cei mai faimosi designeri din intreaga lume, dar oferite la preturi de nerefuzat.

6 December 2012

Giveaway Winner ♥

Asa cum v-am spus, astazi anuntam castigatoarul Giveaway-ului organizat in colaborare cu Magazin NO1
Papadopoulos Angela, felicitari esti castigatoarea gentii. Te vom contacta in cel mai scurt timp

Daca doriti sa vedeti cum am efectuat extragerea, va invit sa vizualizati clipul!

O seara frumoasa va doresc,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

5 December 2012

Saint Nicholas

On every 6th of December, we find out how nice and good we were during the year. The tradition says that you have to clean your shoes and put them at the door. If you`ve been naughty you will receive a wooden stick( We call it in romanian "nuielusa") if not you`ll receive a lot of gifts, usually sweets and fruits... As in my case, but with less sweets :D
I was so happy to wake up in the morning and see all of this( plus some intimates that i thought it will be better to take them out of the picture :)) ). They've made my day ♥

P.S.: For the Romanian readers: Diseara vom anunta cine este castigatorul sau castigatoarea Giveaway-ului! Asa ca fiti pe faza !!

Have a wonderful day,
Manuella ♥

Sneakers: Magazin NO1 (They have wonderful items)

3 December 2012

Back to school

I know Christmas is so close and i also know that this kind of outfit is not the most suitable for this kind of weather but in Bucharest it seems to be still Autumn.

Nu uitati sa va inscrieti la Giveaway unde aveti sansa sa castigati o superba geanta de piele cu tinte ♥

Kisses, Manuella ♥

2 December 2012

Simple Chic - Low ponytale Hairstyle Tutorial

Today i will present you a simple hairstyle but with which you can make a great impression on different types of events. You can be elegant by adding some statement earings and with smokey eyes make-up for example and you can also be casual chic with natural make-up.

The steps are so simple and you`ll see that you don`t need more than 5 minutes to do it:

1.Pick the highest point of your eyebrow and create a side parting in your hair in accordance to that point on your arch. This is a great accuracy tip for when you want to make a side parting.

2. Take a section from the crown of your head, so that if anyone were to get an aerial view of your head, they should see a T-shape parting.

3. Take the back section of hair and backcomb that area.Remember to create volume at the back of your head, just above the ponytail, as that’s where the look gets its sixties vibe from.

4. Now take all the hair and tie it at the nape of the neck with an elastic band to form a ponytail.

5. Take a small section of hair from the bottom of the ponytail and wrap it around the elastic band to camouflage it. Pin it tightly in place.

6. Pull every strand of loose hair to the back of the head and pin it just above the ponytail. This would add volume to the three-dimensional beehive, as well as keep the hairstyle neat and tidy.

7. Pull back every strand of hair that’s sticking out at the front of your face and tuck it behind your ear.

I hope you find it useful and you also have to know that this ype of hairstyle is very popular now and it was seen on caltwalks like : Calvin Klein, Anna Sui, Ralph Lauren, Carolina Herrera

Join my facebook page so you`ll be in touch with the latest news ♥

P.S.: Nu uitati sa va inscrieti la Giveaway, este deschis pana pe 6 Decembrie :D

30 November 2012

Giveaway Magazin NO.1

Romanian readers only :)

A trecut ceva timp de cand am organizat un Giveaway, insa acum a venit momentul unui nou concurs in colaborare cu Magazin NO.1 . Daca il cunoasteti deja, ma bucur, insa pentru cei care nu au auzit pana acum, tin sa va mentionez ca nu stiti ce ati pierdut :)). Accesand pagina lor de Facebook, puteti vedea produsele pe care le au si de care va veti indragosti iremediabil. Cu un portofoliu cuprinzator, veti descoperii produse de calitate care in acelasi timp sunt in pas cu ultimele tendinte, ca si premiul pe care vrem sa vi-l oferim ♥

Asa cum vedeti in poza, este vorba de o superba geanta din piele cu tinte :D pe care o puteti castiga extrem de usor, urmand pasii urmatori:

1. Like Paginii de Facebook Magazin NO.1 AICI
2. Like Paginii de Facebook Let`s talk about Fashion AICI
3.Lasati un comentariu in care sa scrieti numele vostru si o adresa de mail. Daca doriti puteti sa adaugati si combinatia in care veti purta aceasta geanta ( sunt curioasa sa vad ce idei aveti !)
4. Share pozei concursului pe care o gasiti pe pagina de facebook AICI!!

Concursul se incheie pe data de 6 Decembrie, cand voi anunta pe blog pentru cine mi-a lasat Mos Nicolae acest superb cadou ♥

Va pup si va doresc o seara minunata ♥

Basic items

Have a wonderful Friday 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

28 November 2012

Fedora hat addiction

Remember this DIY skirt? You can see it also HERE in a spring/summer outfit.   It`s been a while since i last wear it , but i decided it is time to add some color to my outfits and to escape from the monotonuous chromatic addopted lately.

I hope you like it and also i invite you to like my Facebook Page , so you`ll be in touch with all the updates 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

GO NUTS! Christmas Sale – Up to 50% OFF at Msdressy.com

Hy Girls! Since we have one more month until the Winter Holidays, Msdressy decided to organize Christmas  Sales and cut off the prices up to 50 %. 

Simply register and enjoy up to 50% off on all the products. The more, the cheaper! Add one product to the shopping cart; the system will automatically get 30% off; Two, 40% off; Three, 50% off.

Sale Price: Buy one $ 88.23; Two, $151.25; Three, $189.06
So what are you waiting for? Search for the perfect dress and enjoy the discounts !!
Kisses, Manuella ♥

27 November 2012

Oversized Sweater

Hy girls! Today i will show you my super comfy sweater that is a courtesy from Sheinside, in a combination that I simply adore: with leather pants and wedges.  Something casual yet chic in my opinion !
I hope you like it 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

Join my facebook page so you`ll be in touch with the latest news ♥

26 November 2012

Swarovski Elements

They say "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" and who can deny it?! I mean beside the fact they are so bright and shiny, they also succed in transforming a simple outfit in something very elegant and fabulous.

To cellebrate the spirit of creative collaboration that has been central to Swarovski's success since it's earliest days, the world- renowned brand has created an iPad Magazine that is sure to dazzle any viewer, 

I highly recommend you to download the 10th edition HERE for Free and you`ll get inspired by reading the Party, Portrait, People sections and also you`ll be in touch with the hottest trends and must have pieces . And don`t forget to check their Facebook Page.

Kisses, Manuella ♥

Join my facebook page so you`ll be in touch with the latest news ♥

25 November 2012

French braid tutorial

Hey there! This tutorial is meant to explain you the steps in obtaining a french braid hairstyle a bit different from the classic one. 

1. As I recommend in all the hairstyles , your hair has to be freshly washed and dried for a better result. Also make sure all your hair is brushed through so you have no knots.

2. Before starting you have to create a low side part in the hair.  Separate out the front section: this is the part you’ll be adding curls to.

3. This time you`ll begin from the neck to the top of the head so , the position it will be with your head upside down. Select a thick strand of hair and divide it in 3.

4. Start the french braid by folding each section over once. When you get to the first piece again you need to add some more hair to this. Drop the section you need to braid and hold the other two in the other hand, using your fingers to keep the sections separated. Using the tail comb, section a little more hair from your loose hair and grab this along with the section that has already been braided. Smooth the hair out and pull over the correct section. 

5. Continue to braid until you get to the front section that you created at the beginning. When you get there, use some pins to fixate the braided hair. Make sure it is firmly fixed. ( use pins in your hair color so they will not be visible)

6. Last step to be completed it will be for the front section (mentioned in step 2). Using a heat styler take a section of hair a few centimeters thick and run the iron down it at a diagonal angle to create a wave. Repeat with all of the hair in the side-fringe section.
Good Luck 

Join my facebook page so you`ll be in touch with the latest news ♥

24 November 2012


Good morning sweethearts! For me, this weekend seems to begin great even if actually i`m not doing something special ( you may know what i`m talking about...that feeling) .
But i`m letting you with this new outfit post, and i`m going back to what i was doing before uploading it :D 
Wish you a wonderful weekend,
Kisses,Manuella ♥
P.S. : I promise to renounce soon on this hat, but for the moment i developed a kind of addiction for it :)

23 November 2012

Say whaaat ?

For today, just a set of funny pictures that i hope it will bring you a moment of joy !!
Kisses, Manuella ♥

22 November 2012

Black Froday on Ligo

This is for the Romanian readers only so sorry for the rest of you, i will continue in romanian.

Dupa cum bine stim cu totii, vinerea aceasta va avea loc Black Friday. Implicat in aceasta campanie este si site-ul Ligo, care vine in intampinarea voastra cu reduceri masive la produsele de sezon, ce pot ajunge la 68%. Promotia v-a incepe de la ora 00:00 si va dura pana la ora 24:00 la produsele selectate in limita stocului disponibil.

Brandurile participante sunt: Eponge Fashion Paris, Fox si House of Art. Astfel, veti avea o gama variata de produse din care sa alegeti si cu siguranta nu veti parasi site-ul dezamagiti.

Pentru a va face o idee, voi atasa in cele ce urmeaza cateva din produsele care mi-au atras atentia si p care le voi "vana" maine seara !!

Kisses, Manuella ♥

19 November 2012

Late autumn

Hey! First of all i want to apologize for the bad quality pictres but i wanted to show you the outfit i wore yesterday when i visited V for Vintage fair :) If you`re from Bucharest this is the occasion to find interesting items created by the romanian designers at some great prices, so i highly recommand it.

Wish you a wonderful nigh,
Manuella ♥

P.S.: This is an attempt to change the always and forever red lipstick. What do you think about it?

16 November 2012

Efortless retro

I have a surprise for you. Since many of you asked me to do some hairstyle tutorials to explain the steps in creating different hairstyles ...here is the first one. It is very simple yet very stilish and it took me no longer that 10 minutes to finish it. I have to mention that the make-up was made by my wonderful friend Adriana Anton !
Also don`t forget to join my FACEBOOK page, to stay in touch with all the updates.
1.Make sure the hair is prepped. It has to be freshly washed and dried !!
2. Using a comb, create a low side part in the hair. Make sure it’s in a straight line. Separate out the front section: this is the part you’ll be adding curls to.
3. Keeping out the fringe section, pin back the rest of the hair so it’s out of the way. Using a heat styler take a section of hair a few centimetres thick and run the iron down it at a diagonal angle to create a wave. Repeat with all of the hair in the side-fringe section.
Tip: curl the hair under and away from the face for the best results.
4. Pull the rest of the hair (the uncurled hair) back and into a low ponytail. Secure with a hair elastic.Twist the ponytail you’ve just created around itself to form a low bun.
5.Loosen the front curls with your fingers to create a soft texture, and arrange them around the face as desired.
6.Finish with hairspray to set the style in place
Manuela Lupascu from Let`s talk about fashion !!
I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you`ll try it!
Make up by Adriana Anton

10 November 2012

Busy bee

Just a quick post, because i`m in a biiiiiiiiig hurry !!
Kisses, Manuella ♥

9 November 2012

New in ♥

These are my new aquisitions :D As you may see they are similar to the Alexander Wang boots and obviously are cheaper. You can find them on Oasap and also you can find many other gorgeous items ♥

What do you think?
Kisses, Manuella ♥

7 November 2012


Even if initially i didn`t want to use this hat because it wasn`t cold enough outside, i realised that it`s been a while since i`ve made cute pictures :)) and i wanted to show you again this side of me! 
All in all, even if most of the time i`m extremely busy, i have to tell you that it is a wonderful period and i`m enjoying it at the fullest from all the points of view :D

Kisses, Manuella ♥

5 November 2012

Monday mood

Since i first saw this hat, i was completely in love with it and i`m wearing it almost every day ( but you know how obsessed i`m with my hair and even if it was love at first sight, i hate when i take it off and my hair has no more volume :( ... ).

I hope you`ll have a wonderful week,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

28 October 2012

Sticks and stones

The first thing that came into my mind when i first saw these pictures was the wonderful song: David Guetta -Titanium and mainly because of the background. About the outfit, lately i adore to wear and try to combine the items to create a sort of rockish/army outfits. I don`t know how much i succed in doing this but i felt ok wearng this kind of style and in the end this is what counts most.

What do you say, it fits me? 
Wish you all a wonderful Sunday,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

27 October 2012

Puma creative factory

Last Friday, as some of you read on my blog, took place Puma creative factory. PUMA has partnered with Wildlife Works and Lumi for this year’s PUMA Creative Factory, and we had the opportunity to create fun t-shirts and bags using Lumi paint, stencils & prints. In this post you`ll see my outfit and also i will show you some pictures to let you know how was the atmosphere . 

Also i`ve had the wonderful pleasure to meet Denisa and Costin , two great bloggers and to end up together with them , printed on a t-shirt. ( which btw was Costin`s idea ).

I wish you a wonderful weekend 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

22 October 2012


In my case and i`m absolutely sure that i`m not the only one... when i feel the need of a change, my hair is always the first that i`m thinking about. And i`ve made the change...is not a huge difference but for almost 4 years i`ve had the same hair color. 

And now i really want to know what do you think about it and also about the new studded jacket :D
Kisses, Manuella ♥

21 October 2012

Sweet Paprika by Gabriela Atanasov

Here are some pictures from the wonderful collection lauched by Gabriela Atanasov last week. I think it will be more pictures but for the moment i will show you a small preview :D I hope you enjoy it !

Kisses, Manuella ♥

20 October 2012


Pentru cei care stiu deja despre ce este vorba, am revenit cu noi amanunte, iar pentru cei care nu stiu , va invit sa cititi aceasta postare si sper de asemenea sa ne vedem la eveniment :D

Bucuresti, Romania – Dupa lansarea cu succes a initiativei  PUMA The Creative Factory in noimebrie 2010, prin care consumatorii isi puteau personaliza online  perechea de pantofi dorita , urmata apoi de editia limitata de jachete  personalizate “T7 by Akcent”  , PUMA isi extinde povestea designului personalizat cu  ‘Love thy Planet’.  PUMA a facut un parteneriat cu  Wildlife Works si Lumi pentru editia din acest an PUMA  Creative Factory, pentru ca iubitorii de produse PUMA sa-si poata puna creativitatea si priceperea la treaba  , folosind un proces revolutionar de printing pentru tricouri si genti .

Wildlife Works este liderul mondial REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation)  o companie specializata in dezvoltarea si implementarea proiectelor de acest gen : reducerea emisiilor de carbon rezultate din defrisarea padurilor si alterarea mediului inconjurator  .  Tricourile Creative Factory sunt produse de angajatii  Wildlife Works , angajati care provin din comunitatea locala a coridorului REDD +, din  Kasigau , Kenya. Toate textilele sunt produse din bumbac organic si bumbac fair-trade. Fabrica sponsorizata de PUMA este o sursa de joburi sustenabile si reprezinta o mare mandrie pentru comunitatea locala .  Pregatirea angajatilor si veniturile constante generate de fabrica , ajuta familii intregi din aceasta comunitate sa depaseasca pragul saraciei .

“REDD+ aduce o schimbare pozitiva in regiunea noastra , cu solutii reale si directe pentru diminuarea saraciei , solutii ce vor duce la ridicarea nivelului de trai al comunitatii noastre “  a spus Chief Kizaki din zona  Kasigau , districtul Voi , unde se gasesc peste  12,000 de oameni . Chief Kizaki a adaugat , “ Aceasta nu este o actiune caritabila . Fondurile obtinute din reducerea emisiilor de carbon ne ajuta sa ne imbunatatim conditiile de trai . Aceste fonduri se obtin prin actiuni de conservare care ne permit sa protejam mediul inconjurator ”
Pe site-ul  www.puma.com/lovethyplanet, PUMA ofera oamenilor posibilitatea sa incarce  poze cu ceea ce  iubesc la planeta noastra si cu ceea ce ar vrea sa conserve . Participantii vor avea ca sursa de inspiratie fotografii incarcate de ambasadorul nostru  Alex Galmeanu, dar si de ambasadorii din celelalte tari .
 La evenimentele  PUMA Creative Factory, participantii  vor putea sa printeze pe tricouri si pe genti una din aceste fotografii sau altele pe aceeasi tema , fotografii realizate de ei ,  sau vor putea picta direct etc  ,  folosind Inkodye®, un colorant-vopsea  produs de Lumi , colorant ce se activeaza la lumina naturala a soarelui .  Acest proces revolutioneaza intreaga industrie fashion de DoItYourself.  Inkodye®, singura vopsea din lume sensibila la lumina , isi dezvolta culoarea in lumina soarelui , facand posibil pentru oricine sa-si printeze fotografiile pe textile , pentru a crea un produs fashion unic.

Evenimetul PUMA The Creative Factory – LoveThyPlanet va avea loc in Club Oxygen , Mall Sun Plazza ( Sector 4 ) , pe data de 25 Octombrie 2012 (joi)  . Fiindca avem nevoie de lumina soarelui , va asteptam acolo la ora 11 dimineata ca sa ne jucam cu cerneluri , fotografii si produse PUMA . Jucariile le aducem noi , voi nu trebuie decat sa fiti prezenti!

Daca doriti sa va testati creativitatea si spiritul ludic si vreti sa participati alaturi de noi ,  va rugam sa trimiteti un email pe adresa : cristinafdobrescu@gmail.com ( nu uitati sa ne lasati si un numar de telefon ) si va vom contacta pentru mai multe detalii. Vom premia cel mai creativ “artist fashionist“ cu 2000 de Euro net si cu multe alte surprize .

16 October 2012

Sail with me ♥

This is just a quick post, because i`m in a hurry now and i just wanted to show you this casual outfit that somehow defies the Autumn  :D
Have a wonderful day,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

15 October 2012

Fall...in love!

I know i`ve been absent lately but this kind of weather is not really my favorite and also i`ve been involved in different activities that kept me busy all day long!

This is my first official fall outfit and i have to tell you that i`m in love with the blouse
Also, i wrote about an amazing event that will take place next week and you can also be present ( romanian readers only, because it is Bucharest, Romania) .All you have to do is to check the PREVIOUS post and enter on the Puma`s website mentioned in the post!

Have a gorgeous week,
Kisses,Manuella ♥

4 October 2012

Follow your hands

Lately i have a huge crush for studs and for outfits with a soft rock inspiration! I know that most of the posts are with elegant outfits but...this is just because i can`t picture all of them !
I hope you like it :D
Kisses, Manuella ♥

Me on Pinterest

30 September 2012

Androgin Style

When I was thinking what to wear, I`ve said to myself that I want something different. In this way I ended up dressed in " a suit" with feminine accents :). I hope you like it, I felt good in it and about the haistyle, well is not the first time when you see it...you can also check this post for more detailed pictures :D.

Have a wonderful evening,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

29 September 2012

Don`t forget to smile :)

Hy! In the last post , someone asked me to post another School outfit and here it is. First of all i have to tell you that i actually wore this last night , but almost all the times my outfits can be combine with both heels and flats :) . So the version with heels is a bit elegant but i`ll also post a picture with flats to be more suitable for school :)
What do you think?
Kisses, Manuella ♥

25 September 2012

Get ready for school !

I`m back after a long time but it seems like i`ve lost my practice :)) .These are not the best pictures lately,  but i will do my best next time to give you the pictures that you get used with!
Wish you a wonderful evening ,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

P.S.: I`m thinking to make a change to my hair, don`t know yet if i will change the haircut or the color!! Any advice?

11 September 2012

Pink Panter

I will be short and i will tell that i wore this outfit on Sunday evening. Since in Bucharest the weather is becoming colder this pair of pink pants were the best option .

Have a wonderful week ,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

4 September 2012

House of Pain - Jump Around

When someone is asking me to say something about my style, the answer is simple, i wear what i like but it must suit my mood for that day. You can see i love to be girlish but i also love to wear outfits that have rock influences. 
And to remain at the rock influences,I bought this pair of boots, i think a month ago and every time i get the chance to wear them...i have a special feeling. It was love at first sight !

Kisses, Manuella ♥

P.S.: I chose this title because lately i heard the song for so many times and also because the last 2 pictures reminded me of it.

31 August 2012

Keep the old heels

Hy girls!! Well i guess you all noticed the difference between this post and the previous ones: i`m wearing red lipstick ...imagine that :)) Is been a while since i`ve used it because lately i have adopted a more natural look! How do you think it fits me better? :D

About the full body pictures...i`m sorry for the bad quality but this time i`ve made more portret pictures and when i got to the the second part i lost my patience!

P.S.: This is my second pair of heels... and still like it! Good choice at that time :D

Wish you a wonderful evening,
Kisses, Manuella ♥