
22 August 2014

Princess be like ♥

Well, you may know me already... After the dark side came out on the previous post, I thought it was the right time for a bit sweetness. I realized that I`m moody when it comes to picking my outfits each and every day. But this time, a cotton candy dress is the perfect pick if you want to be a modern princess ♥
And since some of my friends are saying that in my previous life I`ve been one, well I can`t never let them down a be like a Morticia too often. 
And no, today is not only about characters. Is about this gorgeous dress and about the clutch and sandals match that I`m always making. I think that even if they are different brands these two items were made for each other.

I hope you enjoy it and also wish you a wonderful weekend loves
Waves, The Pincess ♥

I was wearing: 
Dress: Here
Bracelets: Here
Clutch: Carpisa
Sandals: Zara


  1. Așa frumoasă e rochia... <3

    1. Prima mea reactie cand a ajuns a fost "awww". Ma bucur ca va place ♥

  2. Draga mea, ești mult mai frumoasă în realitate! Erai ca o păpușică! Ce îmi place cum ne întâlnim noi tot timpul întâmplător! :*

    1. Iti multumesc frumos, si tu erai superba si am admirat si postarea ♥ Si ma bucur ca ne mai intalnim, dar mai tot timpul suntem pe fuga amandoua sau in cursul unor activitati :))

      Te pup cu drag ♥

  3. Rochița parcă e desprinsă din basme. Atât de frumoasă și delicată ! Îmi place foarte mult. Să o porți în continuare cu drag !
    De asemenea, felul în care ai accesorizat-o e de apreciat.

    O zi plăcută îți doresc ! ^^


Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! I`ll promise to visit you as soon as I can :)