
23 August 2014

Rock this city

Hi Loves! This is the outfit I wore yesterday for a night out with my friends. I am so happy that the weather allowed me to wear my new Sheinside blazer because I find it perfect. You know that most of us enjoy wearing out jackets, blazers and others on our shoulders? Well there is no need for this, even if it looks awesome, is hard to keep your bag strap and so on, but this new blazer is perfect. 
For sure you`ll see it again and again in the future in my posts even more when the autumn will arrive. To continue with the rest of the pieces, well what can looks better than a blazer combined with a pair of ripped jeans in the perfect shape and color. And you may understand my point because when we decide to buy a new pair of jeans it`s color is a very important aspect together with it`s shape, right?

Anyway, this is a combination that really makes me feel confident and chic in the same time.
What do you think?

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: 
 Blazer: Here
 T-shirt: H&M
 Shorts: Here
 Sandals: Zara
 Bracelets: H&M
 Bag: Here


  1. Replies
    1. dear, these 2 items are my fav too ♥
      Thank you :*

  2. You look wonderful!

  3. Iti sta foarte bine!! Ador produsele de la Sheinside, am facut recent o comanda si mi-am luat un palton, o pereche de blugi si o pereche de pantaloni scurti. Au produse foarte bune si ieftine. Revenind, damn you're perfect!! Arati atat de bine incat orice haina arata bine pe tine. Chiar imi place cum ai asortat fiecare detaliu, dar cred ca o pereche de ochelari patrati te-ar avantaja mai bine.

    Pupici, Madalina Lina ( pe facebook ) :*

    1. Multumesc frumos draga mea. Sheinside, chiar au produse foarte dragute si ieftine de care eu nu ma mai satur ♥ Ma bucur ca iti place si tinuta. Si sincer, nu prea port ochelari patrati, nu stiu de ce :)) dar voi incerca ♥

      Te pup :*

  4. Wow!!! Very nice combo and your hair are beautiful!!! Kisses,

  5. Arati minunat si te prind atat de bine tinutele black <3

    1. multumesc Deea ♥ acum ca vara este pe sfarsit probabil o sa port mai des aceasta combinatie ♥

      Te pup

  6. Haha, hai ca ai reusit sa te bronzezi cum spuneai, sau cel putin eu nu vad nicio dunga de care ziceai, iti sta genial baby.

    te pup

    1. Multumesc draga mea ♥ bronzul este aproape inexistent :(( il cauti cu lupa !!
      Te pup ♥


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