
5 August 2014

Pink Ballerina from the Swan Lake

Hi Loves!! I know, you may say: " Where have you even seen a pink ballerina? Swan Lake? Never..." But I will tell you a funny thing that my dad said yesterday: "You look like a Barbie doll dressed in a ballerina my dear today" and of course that my reaction was " Aww dad ".
It was awesome, but still you know that our parents will see us purfect no matter what, even if we are in pijamas with a messy bun on one of our worst days. Anyway, this is the beauty of having great parents or being one. This kind of love is perfect from my point of view: unconditioned, unlimited and always strong ♥

Anyway, let`s turn back to our staff before my tears starts falling :D Don`t worry, there is nothing wrong, I just love them so much ♥

About the outfit, well this pink thing again is something else as you may see in the pictures. Maybe some of you will see it as a dress and the ones that think is too short, well you`re right: in fact it is a blouse and I`m wearing shorts but the blouse lenght is somewhere in the middle: not too long nor too short. Is ok for me in fact, but I didn`t want to risk and create a scene without my approval :D And if in the first instance, my intention was to pick a pair of high heels, yesterday when the mail man came, the new package change my plans and I opted out for this laced slip-ons ♥ I just love them and they match perfect sport/casual outfits but also some casual/elegant ones.

I hope you like it and if there is something that you like, you`ll find all the details about the items I`m wearing and where is the case, a direct link to them

Have a nice day,
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing:
Blouse: Here
Necklace: Here
Slip ons: Here
Bag: Dasha


  1. Vaaii <3 Tinuta ta e pur si simplu adorabila. Ma duce cu gandul la printese si romantism. Imi place ca ai ales sa o porti cu ceva sport si nu cu tocuri, asa e mai spectaculoasa. Pupici Manuela :*

    1. daaaa, pe mine m-a trimis cu gandul direct la " Lacul Lebedelor" ♥ si cat despre tocuri, aparent am luat o mica pauza de la ele :)) ma simt mult mai bine purtand flats
      Te pup si eu :*

  2. very childish..

  3. Cat de simpatica e rochita! <3

    1. multumesc Lorena, dar este mai mult o bluzita lunga, nu am putut sa o port fara pantaloni scurti care sunt si eu de fapt destul de scurti fiindca nu se vad :))

  4. I have the same necklace! (: you pull it off better

    1. Thank you dear ♥ in fact I have 2 and are the same. I compeltely forgot about the first one ordered haha ♥

  5. Este adorabila rochita !

  6. Esti absolut superba, o incantare pentru oricine te priveste! Kisses!


    1. Camelia, iti multumesc frumos pentru vorbele minunate ♥ You made my day :*

  7. Esti de vis,o papusica barbie♡


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