
4 August 2014

Don`t forget to be a child from time to time ♥

This weekend I went with Donald Duck's wife in an amusement park and we remembered how great it was to be a child, how much fun we had and that we didn`t knew at that time what the words hard, problem, work means. 
But with all this, let's say, adult responsabilities, we can still bring at the surface the kid that stays in us. For example, sometimes I love to be spoiled for no reason, well actually there is a reason and is the fact that I'm a princess and a princess must be spoiled no matter what, right? :D Another example is that I have a few teddy bears and other animals and when I have to sleep alone, I ask them to come with me in bed so we can have a small chit-chat before sleeping :)) ( I thinj you know that talking with them was a joke, but still I put them all in my bed). And the examples can continue, love the cotton candy, to watch cartoons from time to time because they changet in time and now are different from what I was used to :)) and so on.

Now, I very curious if you still have some habbits that are not very suitable for our age, but you can`t get rid of them? And don`t be shy, this is a good thing sometimes because you`ll manage to keep your soul young and with all the problems and busy time that we have we will still find a reason to smile and be happy ♥

I hope you also like my outfit and I invite you on my Facebook and Instagram account for more updates
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: 
T-shirt: Here
Shorts: H&M
Bag: Dasha
Sandals: Here
Bracelet: Swarovski

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