
1 December 2015

The Army never felt so good before

 Good morning loves! I know it`s been a while but since it was only cloudy and rainy I decided to stay more indoors and work from home. It was nice but I felt so much the need to go out and take some pictures and here is the outfit I decided to present you today.

You might have noticed, indeed is the outfit I wore a few days ago at the Casa Di Peroni event. So today you can find all the details about it and I also have to tell you that the Michael Kors bag is at a discount these days and you can save up to $100. So, it`s a best buy, don`t you think?

I have to go now, because it seems that the weather will keep me outside but I want to wish you a wonderful day and "La multi ani Romania" ♥

 Kisses, Manuella  ♥

P.S.: Ati notat mica schimbare? Se datoreaza extensiilor de gene recent aplicate la Chic Lashez, un loc extrem de placut si relaxant care cu siguranta o sa va incante nu doar datorita rezultatului obtinut la sfarsit ci si datorita starii de bine de care o sa va bucurati. 
"La CHIC LASHES sesiunile de aplicare a extensiilor de gene 3D sunt riguros alcatuite, tinand cont atat de grosimea, lungimea si desimea genelor naturale, cat si de forma ochilor (micile imperfectiuni de ordin estetic – pleoape cazute, forma descendenta a ochilor sau distanta prea mica/prea mare dintre pupile - pot fi corectate cu un styling corespunzator menit sa asigure o simetrie a trasaturilor). Astfel, extensiile de gene 3D sunt adaptate din punct de vedere al grosimii si al numarului de fire aplicate, pentru a nu afecta genele naturale si pentru a nu ingreuna pleoapa"

 I was wearing:
Hat Similar Here
Zara Blouse
Shein Jacket
Pull and Bear Pants from Kurtmann
Inia Lavin Boots
Michael Kors Bag ON SALE
Michael Kors Wallet



  1. perfect combination:)
    You look wonderful :)

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Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! I`ll promise to visit you as soon as I can :)