
23 February 2015

A small story about a true Shoe Lover ♥

 Hi loves! Today is not a sunny day anymore, but, I will show you my bright outfit that made my day yesterday when outside was extremely nice. You can find all the details about each piece of clothing that I`m wearing at the end of the text but I want to insist more on my currently  most fav pair of heels.

I don`t know if there are many of you that heard about Garkony. Either way, I can say they made the perfect shoes: Gorgeous, comfy and made out of leather ( inside and outfide) ♥ You may know the other pair of nude heels that I own and is also from Garkony, but the pair that I`m wearing in this post... oh, this pair :D

I decided together with the Garkony teams, to make my own pair of shoes... How awesome is this? I wanted for a long time to own a pair of tiger printed heels and not leopard and they made my wish come true ♥

You can also order this pair, but you`ll need to contact them HERE, because this pair is available only by pre order and you`ll not find them on the website. And if you need more info, the price of my pair of heels is around 330 ron and you can have a 10% discount if it`s your first order on their website and if you subscribe to newsletter.

So, do you want to own a pair of heels that is not available in each store in the entire country and that it will also be in a limited number? Make a change and order them :D And if you`re not the tiger print, find out that there are also classic pairs that will make you want them all ♥

I hope you like it and can`t wait to hear your impressions :D
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing:
Coat: Here
Shirt: H&M
Jeans: Zara
Shoes: Garkony
Bag: Moschino Available Here
Bracelet: Pandora
Watch: Wood Watch by Jord


Aparent, astazi nu mai este o zi atat de insorit ca si ieri, insa voi profita de ocazie si va voi arata tinuta pe care am purtat-o ieri cand afara era soare si extrem de placut. La sfarsitul textului, asa cum v-am obisnuit, veti gasi toate detaliile despre aceasta tinuta, insa astazi as vrea sa va vorbesc mai mult despre cea mai recente pereche de pantofi care a devenit foarte rapid preferata mea.

Este vorba de noua pereche de pantofi Garkony custom made cu tiger print, model pe care de altfel il cautam de ceva timp. Ce imi doream nu era extrem de simplu: modelul pantofului sa fie frumos, sa fie calitativi, comozi, din piele ( interior & exterior) si desigur, print-ul mi-l imaginam intr-un fel anume :D Sa gasesti toate aceste calitati intr-o singura pereche, stim toate cat de greu este insa deloc imposibil.

Ei bine, aceasta pereche se poater realiza numai pe comanda si pentru a intra in posesia lor va recomand sa ii contactati( Gasiti datele de contact AICI) Ce va mai pot spune, este ca o sa fie realizati intr-un numar limitat, iar vestea buna este ca la prima comanda efectuata si in urma abonarii la newsletter beneficiati de un discount de 10% aplicat la pretul lor de 329 ron :D 

Sper sa va placa si astept cu nerabdare parerile vostre
Kisses, Manuella ♥


  1. love them :)

  2. sunt superbi ,si fiindca au tocul un pic mai gros imi imaginez ca sunt si tare comozi !!
    imi place mult outfitul incepand de la palton pana la geanta , iar tu esti o scumpa , te pup !!

  3. arati absolut genial, si ador stilul tau vestimentar!

  4. Urmaresc blogul tau, cu drag...f buna engleza ta, dar atentie la limba romana...gen "veti", ce se scrie legat...uitam regulile din liceu...e pacat
    ..multa bafta in continuare!

    1. Buna,
      Ma bucur ca il urmaresti ♥ si apreciez mentiunea ta, se mai intampla sa gresesc din graba sau din auto corect :D Dar multumesc, ai dreptate se scrie in alt context dezlegat. Am corectat greseala :D

      O seara frumoasa


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