
27 December 2014

The magic of Christmas

Good evening! Since outside is not snowing or raining anymore I was able to wear items that are not extremely big and not so good looking :D As you all know I am a summer lover and the cold weather is not between the things I love but when we talk about Christmas well is a different story :D

The most wonderful thing about it is the part when we receive gifts hahah. I`m a bit mean because I also love to surprise the loved ones with  wonderful gifts that will bring a smile on their face and also I love to decorate the Christmas Tree but I will wait until the Christmas Eve as I already mentioned ♥ And going back to receiving gift, well I have to tell you that this bag, oh this bag was supposed to be a surprise but I completely ruined it and I couldn`t wait more to wear it after I discovered it :D Awesome, right? haha

I hope you`ll have a wonderful day
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing:
Jacket: Here
Blouse and Vest: Here
Shorts: Here
Bag: Moschino
Boots: Staccato


  1. Craciun fericit, draga mea! Esti minunata!

  2. E un Craciun in primavara :D Craciun fericit si sa ai parte de cele mai frumoase cadouri pt ca le meriti.Iar pt noul an iti doresc sa ai parte numai de noroc si de cat mai multi cititori si cliente frumoasee si cochete in tinutele realizate de tine :* :* te pupam de la Sibiu (Doris si Maya)

  3. Craciun Fericit chit ca ziua de ieri nu a semanat cu ziua de craciun ci mai mult cu pastele la cat de cald si de frumos a fost!


Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! I`ll promise to visit you as soon as I can :)