
18 December 2014

Christmas Tree dilema ♥

Girls, today I want to talk a bit about the Christmas Tree :D I know that for some of you it is a bit early but I know that the others were to excited to wait and already made it, right?

I must confess, that I`m part of the first group: I love the decorate it on the Christmas Eve and to listen specifics songs. I know that is not really in the benefit of the earth but for sure I will go for a natural one because I love the smell that spreads in the entire house. My doubt is what color combo to pick: red and gold, blue and silver, white and purple... so many combinations and only one choice.

I need some help...what should I pick? Any suggestions?

About the outfit it`s just one of my crazy ideas. This dress was made to feel comfy and yet to have that something. What do you think? And because it is a bit cold outside my old pair of over the knees boots made the perfect match. Can`t wait to hear you impressions ♥

I was wearing:
Over the knee boots: Old and I forgot the exact link :D Sorry
Clutch ♥ : Luxury collection ALBERTINE`S for YVY Bags available Here
Watch: Guess
Dress: Made by me and you can also order it by sending me an email at:

Photo credits: Adrian D. Photography
Location: Double Tree by Hilton 

 Kisses, Manuella ♥

1 comment:

  1. Buna! Eu anul acesta am ales silver. Cu paiete, cu sclipici, mate, stralucitoare. Toate ornamentele mele sunt silver :-P Dintre combinatiile enumerate de tine as alege rosu/auriu.


Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! I`ll promise to visit you as soon as I can :)