
23 November 2014

Sunday #ootd

Hi girls! A while ago I`ve mentioned you about my fav pair of boots from Staccato. And now I`m showing you a combination that for sure is casual yet a bit differenre due to its details... in the end everything is about details : My old brooch that I took it from an old blouse, the simplicity of black, the bag chain and the skull attached at the back of my boots ♥

Without all these, the outfit would have been boring and my attitude sad.. but is not the case :D
And some great news: When I first added pictures with my boots, you asked me if you can also buy them online and well, from now on you actually can, because they have a brand new facebook shop :D for those that are not living in Bucharest ♥ you`ll have the direct link at the I was wearing section!

 I hope you like it and maybe it can inspire you in your future outfits. 
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing:
Jacket: My own design ( you can also order it : )
Blouse: H&M
Bag: Dasha
Boots: Staccato Available Here

P.S.: What do you think about the jacket? :D I`m always curious to hear your impressions!!


  1. Such a gorgeous coat!! xx

  2. Nice look! The coat looks good, so you have done a really good job! :)

  3. chiar nu ma asteptam de la tine sa vad ghete prafuite si putin stropite ...

    1. Cand afara este urat, ploua iar pe jos este mizerie nu prea ai cum sa le pastrazi curate inainte de poze. Iar faptul ca le-am sters si dat cu spray inainte sa ies din casa nu m-a ajutat pentru o perioada prea lunga de timp! Asa ca si mie mi se poate intampla cand nu prea tine de mine 😁

    2. iti dai seama ce problema nationala, draga anonima ai fost rautacioasa.........gratuit ,,,,,,,,,dupa parerea mea

  4. Geanta este din piele naturala?

    1. Da, este din piele naturala 😃

    2. m-am tot uitat dupa poseta pe Dasha si nu o mai gasesc , cred ca s-au vandut toate

  5. I love your vest and bag! You look amazing, great outfit :)


Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! I`ll promise to visit you as soon as I can :)