
10 September 2014

Be wise, brave and in love

Good evening girls! Lately I don`t know what is with me :D I think I`m going through a transition period where I want to wear anything else but not the "so me" kind of outfits. 
For example, I have this swimsuit and skirt from Prive Boutique for a while now. I planned to wear them at the pool, but since this summer was a bit chaotic, I didn`t manage to take a free day to rest by the pool. And yes, my days off were spent at home in bed...
Time passed by, autumn came and I faced a small crisis: "Now I want to wear these items and I don`t have where... What I`m going to dooooo?!?!?!" Anyway, I received some great inspiration and I was telling to myself: "this is so gorgeous but so...not me". On a second thought I was like so what, let`s do this. 
And here is my new autumn outfit, I`ll say brave enough and different from my style, but perfect for a night out, right?

I hope you like it :D
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing:
Swimsuit: Here
Skirt: Here
Boots: Zara
Vest: Here
Clutch: Jadu


  1. I really love how you layered each piece.. It's quite sophisticated and edgy! Looks like coming out of your comfort zone really paid off..

  2. So fashion forward!!! and your legs look awesome in that skirt ;) kisses


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