
9 April 2014

Who let the dogs out?

Hy loves! Well, what can I say more, today was one of my best days ever. Busy indeed, but when you`re doing something that you like, is more than just perfect. I finished another 2 new dresses that you`ll be able to order them from Here or Here soon, I received 3 new packages ( can`t wait to show you what is inside) and even more my next outfits will be sponsored with bags from Jadu. They have gorgeous leather bags and the one in the pictures is one of them. Even more I send 7 packages with some lovely dresses that some of you already ordered ♥ Can`t wait to see the impressions !!

And it was not only about that. The story continues and I hope it will continue like this for a while.
About the outfit, well it is a casual one and as you know, I LOVE all the tipes of high heels ♥ And this pair is one of the new ones. Combined with a pair of skinny jeans and a large blouse I think is perfect for a busy day when you also want to look fresh and chic :D

I hope you like the pictures
Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Blouse, Jeans and Heels: Here, Bag: Here, Bracelet: Swarovski


  1. Foarte tare bluza, de unde?

    1. Hey, bluza este de pe

  2. Replies
    1. Buna :* daca te referi la incaltaminte sunt masura 37 :D

  3. :* Manuella, tie in cat timp iti ajung produsele pe care le comanzi pe sau

  4. Looks great very nice blog you have! Keep posted!

  5. Those shoes ! X


  6. Esti adorabila :X
    Cat ai platit transportul pentru pantaloni si pantofi si in cat timp ti'a ajuns coletul? Multumesc :*


Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! I`ll promise to visit you as soon as I can :)