
13 September 2013

I love you

I wear sporty outfits more than you think. Since I`m going to the swimming pool every evening, imagine that heels are out of discussion. And what is more suitable than a pair of short jeans, sneakers and a cute hoodie that told me "I love you" when I first saw it :)).
Yeah, I need attention and I need a lot. 
Anyway, I hope you like my newest outfit and until next time, don`t forget to do some sport. Is, let`s say, my advice of the day.
Stay tuned because I have more outfits and posts prepared for you

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Hoodie: Here, Short Jeans: Here, Bag: Here, Sneakers: Here, Sunglasses: Ray Ban

Ro only:
A venit si momentul sa anunt castigatoarea Giveaway-ului in colaborare cu Mabell.
Numarul norocos a fost 64, iar castigatoarea, banuiesc ca nu este castigator atata timp cat premiul a fost o rochie :)), nu si-a lasat si numele insa email-ul este: 

Felicitarim, te vom contacta in cel mai scurt timp :)
De asemenea vreau sa va mai anunt ca toti cei care s-au inscris in acest concurs, beneficiaza de o reducere de 20% la produsele Mabell. Asa ca start shopping !!


  1. Super combinație! Ador sneakerșii! Felicitări câștigătoarei!

  2. :P
    Super look, super potrivita locatia.


Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! I`ll promise to visit you as soon as I can :)