
24 January 2013

New in ♥

This may not be a regular outfit post, but i decided to show you what the postman brought me today ♥ 
As you know, animal print is not really my kind of pattern, but i think in this case is the perfect combination of: collors ( because some combinations of brown shades are not so inspired) , material, heel and shape of the boots.
Promise to come back soon with an outfit that will include them :D

 You can find them  HERE !
P.S.: As you can see the pattern looks much better in reality 

Acesta nu este una dintre postarile cu care v-am obisnuit, in care va prezint o tinuta, deoarece m-am decis sa va arat cu ce m-a intampinat postasul astazi ♥ Dupa cum poate stiti, imprimeul animal print nu este tocmai preferatul meu, si am incercat sa il evit pe cat posibil, insa cred ca in acest caz am gasit combinatia perfecta: culorile ( Cateodata combinatiile diferitelor nuante de maro nu par sa fie cele mai inspirate), materialul, platforma si forma botinei.
Promit sa revin in curand cu o tinuta care sa le includa :D

Le puteti gasi AICI !
P.S.: Dupa cum vedeti imprimeul arata mult mai bine decat in pozele de pe site :D

Kisses, Manuella ♥


  1. Ai dreptate, imprimeul face diferenta. Eu am o pereche de botine leopard de la Zara in acelasi nuante si sunt superbe. Pupici din Timisoara

  2. those are STUNNING love them



Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! I`ll promise to visit you as soon as I can :)