
30 January 2013

These boots are made for walking :D

If you already follow my Facebook Page  you should know about this beauties from my feet. Are the newest entry on my wardrobe and I completely adore them even if usually i'm not that into animal print pattern.About the outfit...well don't even ask if I was cold because no... I was freezing :( But honestly i'm not even thinking of much warmer clothes, just because they look warm it doesn;t mean that they really are !!!
Have a good week sweethearts

Daca urmariti deja Pagina de Facebook, ar trebui sa stiti deja aceste superbitati cu care sunt incaltata. Este cel mai nou produs din garderoba de care sunt foarte incantata chiar daca de obicei nu sunt foarte incantata de imprimeul animal print. Cat despre tinuta...ei bine nici sa nu intrebati daca mi-a fost frig pentru ca inghetat chiar :( dar, sincer, nici macar nu ma gandesc sa port haine mult mai groase, iar pentru simplul fapt ca par, asta nu inseamna ca tin cu adevarat de cald :))
Va doresc o saptamana minunata,
Kisses, Manuella

 I was wearing: Jacket: Here,  Bag: Here,  Boots: Here,  Blouse: H&M,  Jeans: Mango,  Bracelet:Swarovski,  Watch: Guess,  Necklace: Dior

29 January 2013

Msdressy Giveaway winner

Hi gorgeous. Today as i promised i will announce the winner of the Giveaway :) The $80 will be added to your account that you have created on in the moment you enterd the contest. I will talk with them to announce you when the credits will be added and ready for consumption :D

The winner is the last entry on the blog, number 56 and i have only your email my dear :
Buna dragele mele. Astazi, asa cum v-am promis anunt castigatorul Giveaway-ului. Cei 80$ vor fi adaugati in contul pe care l-ati creat pe in momentul in care v-ati insctis la concurs. O sa ii rog de asemenea ca in momentul in care creditul este introdus sa trimita si un email de notificare.

Castigatorul este ultimul intrat in concurs, nr 56! Din pacate nu am decat email-ul tau dar este suficient:

27 January 2013

Outfits suggestions :D

Sweater: Here, T-shirt: Here, Leggings: Here, Bag: Here, Boots: Here
I know I'm not even close to create a beautiful set, but I actually don't know any program and even if i know 1, I don't know how to use it. Anyway, today i want to recommend you 2 outfits that are suitable for this kind of weather and even if it's cold and the city is covered (again) with snow, dressed like this you'll manage to be fashionable. But I will also show you another outfit that in my case i can't wait to wear it but the weather is against me.

And more important!! 
If you like something from my suggestions and not only and you decide to buy something, use this code:INVITE422PM  and you get $10 discount just because you`re one of my lovely readers ♥
This are my suggestions, I hope you enjoy them and also if you're kind enough I will appreciate you're suggestions regarding some sites or programs that will help me to create better sets ( Polyvore is one, but i don't know how to use it... Sad face !!)

Stiu ca sunt departe de a crea un colaj dragut( frumos este mult spus), dar din pacate nu stiu nici un program si chiar daca stiu unul, nu stiu sa il folosesc ceea ce nu se poate lua in considerare. In fine, astazi vreau sa va recomand 2 tinute potrivite pentru vremea cu care ne confruntam si chiar daca este frig si orasul este acoperit(din nou) cu zapada, cu o astfel de tinuta consider ca nu veti trece neobservate. Dar si o tinuta pe care eu sunt nerabdatoare sa o port insa vremea este singurul impediment.

De asemenea foarte important!! 
 Daca va plac sugestiile mele si doriti sa cumparati ceva sau orice de pe site, folositi codul urmator:INVITE422PM si veti beneficia de o reducere de $10 doar pt ca sunteti dragii mei cititori ♥
Acestea sunt sugestiile mele si sper sa va placa. In acelasi timp, daca sunteti dragute, as aprecia daca mi-ati oferi si voi cateva sugestii legate de site-uri sau programe pe care sa le folosesc pentru a crea colaje mai atragatoare sa spunem :D ( stiu de Polyvore, dar asa cum v-am mentionat deja nu stiu sa il folosesc... Sad face)

Kisses, Manuella ♥

25 January 2013

Beautiful Weather

This week, we enjoyed 2 days of beautiful weather in Bucharest and I couldn`t stay away from the not so "winterish" items. Between exams and learning for the exams, i managed to also take some pictures. I hope you enjoy them.
BTW...I`m the only one who counts the days until spring ?
Saptamana aceasta ne-am putut bucura de 2 zile in Bucuresti, in care vremea a fost neasteptat de placuta si trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am putut sta departe de hainele nu foarte de iarna. Intre examene si invatatul pentru examene am reusit sa fac si aceste poze. Sper sa va placa!
BTW...Sunt singura care numara zilele ramase pana la venirea primaverii?

Kisses, Manuella ♥

P.S.: You still have 3 days to enter the Giveaway. Join it HERE and you have the chance to win $80

I was wearing: Skirt/DIY, Blouse/ Un deux trois, Jacket/ Here, Sneackers/ Here, Bag/Coach, 
Fedora hat/ Local Market

24 January 2013

New in ♥

This may not be a regular outfit post, but i decided to show you what the postman brought me today ♥ 
As you know, animal print is not really my kind of pattern, but i think in this case is the perfect combination of: collors ( because some combinations of brown shades are not so inspired) , material, heel and shape of the boots.
Promise to come back soon with an outfit that will include them :D

 You can find them  HERE !
P.S.: As you can see the pattern looks much better in reality 

Acesta nu este una dintre postarile cu care v-am obisnuit, in care va prezint o tinuta, deoarece m-am decis sa va arat cu ce m-a intampinat postasul astazi ♥ Dupa cum poate stiti, imprimeul animal print nu este tocmai preferatul meu, si am incercat sa il evit pe cat posibil, insa cred ca in acest caz am gasit combinatia perfecta: culorile ( Cateodata combinatiile diferitelor nuante de maro nu par sa fie cele mai inspirate), materialul, platforma si forma botinei.
Promit sa revin in curand cu o tinuta care sa le includa :D

Le puteti gasi AICI !
P.S.: Dupa cum vedeti imprimeul arata mult mai bine decat in pozele de pe site :D

Kisses, Manuella ♥

23 January 2013

Ballerina Coat

When I received this coat, the next second I knew that I will wear it quite often. As you may know, this shape of coat is very in lately and in my opinion is the most elegant of them all. I decided to wear it casual with black boots but for sure i will wear it a lot with heels ♥

Don`t forget about the Giveaway, where you can win $80 to spend on whatever you want.Check it HERE

Kisses,Manuella ♥

I was wearing: 
Coat/ Here, (Also available on Camel)  Jeans/ Bershka, Bag/ LaPallete, Sunglasses/ Here, Boots/ Humanic, Sweater/ U.S.Polo

18 January 2013

Everyday Diva

In December i`ve been at a photoshooting for a wonderful campaign organized by Wella and Wellaton called : Everyday Diva. You can find these pictures in the magazine and I also hope that I will be able to get some more to share here with you.
What do you think?

In Decembrie am participat la o sedinta foto care promoveaza o campanie minunata, organizata de Wella si Wellaton denumita Everyday Diva. Puteti gasi aceste poze in revista si sper ca in curand sa fac rost de mai multe poze pentru a le impartasi cu voi.
Ce parere aveti?

Kisses, Manuella ♥

15 January 2013

Favorite Sweater

I received this sweather/ cardigan before Christmas from Sheinside, but as you already know, i wasn`t able to post anything. I choose to wear it with a pair of flare jeans, boots and my favorite bag ! I hope you like it and don`t forget to enter the Giveaway HERE if you want to win a $80 voucher. If you have any questions, do not hesiate to ask me!

Am primit acest pulover/cardigan inainte de Craciun de la Sheinside, insa asa cum stiti, mi-a fost imposibil sa postez ceva pe blog. Am ales sa il asortez cu o pereche de blugi evazati, botine si cu geanta mea preferata! Sper sa va placa si nu uitati sa va inscrieti la Giveaway 
AICI daca vreti sa castigati un voucher de 80$. Daca aveti intrebari, nu ezitati sa ma intrebati.

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Coat: H&M, Sweater: Here, Jeans: Mango, Boots: Zara, Bag: Coach

14 January 2013

Giveaway - $80 Msdressy Gift Voucher

Here we are again with a wonderful giveaway organized in collaboration with Msdressy, online store I love! Do you want to discover it you too? Follow the simple rules below and you'll have the chance to win an $ 80 gift voucher! 

Ready? Go!

1. You need an account at Msdressy, please make one if you haven't yet;

2. Like Msdressy on Facebook Here and my Facebook Page Here;

3. Leave a comment with the email you registered in Msdressy here. This is very important so they can send you the prize!

P.S.: For an extra chance, share the Giveaway picture uploaded on my facebook page Here

I will choose the winners via The giveaway closes in two weeks! 

Am pregatit pentru voi un alt minunat Giveaway in colaborare cu Msdressy. In felul acesta veti descoperii ce rochii superbe au pe site dar in acelasi timp puteti castiga si un voucher de 80$ c ajutorul caruia poate va veti achizitiona chiar o rochie pentru bal :D.
Ce trebuie sa faceti?

1.Creati un cont pe Msdressy in cazul in care nu aveti deja unul: 

2. Like Msdressy  Aici si Let`s talk about fashion Aici;

3. Lasati intr-un comentariu email-ul cu care v-ati inregistrat pe Msdressy. Este necesar pentru a va putea contacta in cazul in care sunteti castigator.

P.S.: Pentru o sansa in plus, trebuie sa dati share pozei de concurs. O gasiti Aici

La sfarsit voi alege castigatorii prin Concursul dureaza 2 saptamani!!

Kisses, Manuella ♥

8 January 2013

2013 - First Post

EN: Due to the Christmas Holiday i wasn`t able to post and not only becaus of this, but you also know that winter is not really my favorite season :( . Anyway, now i`m back and i will do my best to post more even if it will be a very busy period. (Sorry again for the bad quality pictures) 

RO: Datorita Sarbatorilor de Craciun nu am putut sa fiu foarte activa pe blog si nu doar datorita Craciunului , dar se asemenea stiti ca iarna nu este chiar anotimpul meu preferat. In fine, acum m-am intors si voi face tot posibilul sa postez mai mult desi urmeaza o perioada foarte aglomerata. ( Imi cer scuze...din nou...pentru calitatea pozelor )

Kisses, Manuella ♥

I was wearing: Jacket: Here, Leather pants: Bershka, Boots : Here, Bag: Here , Hat: Local Market